A New Addition

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Giotto twirled his quill as he absently stared at the paper in front of him. He just couldn't get the eyes of the boy out of his head, Knuckle said he had found him somewhere in the forested area behind the Manor with an exceptionally high fever.

He also mentioned about him crying too?

A frown tugged at his face. That certainly sounded suspicious, especially since Alaude had poured his heart and soul into the security he was so proud of.

The boy's eyes returned to his mind, resulting in him massaging his temples. He couldn't place it, but he felt that they didn't really belong... he gave a sigh, refocusing on the paper in front of him.

He could think about the boy later, right now he had a paperwork deadline to meet.

Before G. went ballistic on him.


Submerged in his thoughts, Giotto didn't hear the fast approaching footsteps.

        At least not until the door slammed open.

Giotto gave a weary sigh, thinking on what the damage might have been this time. Probably another one of Alaude's and Daemon's town wreaking havoc, he mused (he also figured that he needed to have the hinges fixed so that the door wouldn't ruin the wall behind it).

"Giotto!" The said man glanced up and was mildly surprised that it had been Knuckle, and not the harbinger of ill news (G.).

He gave a brief smile at the former professional boxer, noting the worried look on his friend's face. "What brings you here, Knuckle?"

"The boy," Knuckles brows scrunched in worry. "have you seen him?"

Almost immediately, Giotto's intuition began pricking at him, bringing forth the boys eyes again. "Is he not in the medical wing?"

Knuckle shook his head. He almost looked blue with worry, Giotto thought. "I've checked the whole manor, Giotto, and I couldn't find him!"

Giotto heaved another sigh as he got up. "Alright, I'll join you in your search."

He'll find a way to avoid G.'s wrath somehow.


Approximately two hours later, Giotto was starting to feel anxiety gnawing at his stomach (the thought in itself was funny since he only got this anxious when he was dealing with delicate matters regarding his business), and the cause was the missing boy. He bit his lip as his eyes rescanned the lounge, wondering if he had missed a few spots that were hidden in plain sight.

This was the first time he cursed the huge building for its spaciousness.

He didn't want to face Knuckle without the boy in hand since it truly seemed that he had become attached to the small being.

And if he hated anything, it would be a disappointment.

       Especially among his Family.

Giotto huffed. He would have to start searching the room from scratch then, before moving to the next room.


Alaude stared down at the child, who had begun snoring not long after closing his eyes and began taking note of who he was dealing with. He certainly didn't expect to find a child inside the Manor grounds, not when his security was up and running (sure it was still in the phase of being redone, but it was far from being perfect). He ran through his memories, trying to figure out what Famiglia had decided to send out children to infiltrate Vongola but nothing seemed to come up (he made a mental note to check the files back in his office, it never hurt to double check after all). Sitting up, Alaude decided that heading towards the Manor with the small child would be the best course of action.

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