Chapter 1

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Oaklyn's POV

The night of the accident.

I could barely see the road ahead of me as my eyes filled with salty tears. My hands shook at 10 and 2, I ducked my head, and told myself it would get better. All of a sudden my hands decided for me, and I turned the wheel to the right as hard as I could.

After that came a series of glass breaking and screams that echoed throughout my body. I'm not sure how long it was after the accident that I heard the cries of an ambulance in the distance. I let myself drift off into sleep land despite the EMT urging me to stay awake. They kept asking if I could hear them and what my name was but I couldn't answer for some reason.

I dozed off again before we even reached the hospital, but it ended up being a lot longer than the time before. When I woke up again instead of hearing yelling, or the screeching of sirens, I heard a steady beep coming from the side of my bed. I opened my eyes fully and looked around. In a chair next to my hospital bed was my mom. Her raven hair acted like a small blanket as she slept. Her cheeks were stained with makeup, her freshly painted red nails were now destroyed from her chewing on them. Something we both did when we got nervous.

"Mom". I managed to squeak out. My throat hurt and it took a lot of energy for me to say that one word.

She sat up immediately and smiled. "Oh my god! Oaklyn you're awake!" she yelled for the nurse and waited by the door impatiently.

A nurse wearing a blue button up and matching pants came in and smiled as well. "Hi there Oaklyn! I'm one of the nurses that has been keeping an eye on you over the past couple days."

I stopped listening after that because DAYS? I've been a coma for days?!

I tried sitting up but soon felt a jolt of pain along my spine along with pressure on my chest. I felt my heart drop and almost started to panic.

"Perhaps we can finish this outside?" My mother asked noticing how upset it was. The nurse nodded and started to head out as my mother turned around to kiss my forehead and gave the remote to my bed.

"If you need anything just press that red button, okay? Ill be right back." I didn't nod. I didn't dare to move. I heard the click of my door being shut and I shifted my focus onto the bright light right above my head.

I heard the constant ding of a cell phone, I turned my head slowly and saw my phone screen lit up. I carefully moved my right arm to grab my phone, It felt like I was carrying a stack of bricks. How long was a couple days? As I'm about to set my hand on the table I knock my ice water everywhere. I sigh and hear my door open, I see my mother rushing toward me gently putting my arm back to my side and cleaning up the water.

"Honey, I told you if you needed anything to hit the red button." She cleaned up the water and refilled up my cup then sat next me.

"I-I just wanted my phone." I managed to get out.

"Now's not the time to worry about that, Oaklyn." She scolded me. I closed my eyes, how many people know? What do they know? I Felt her move my brown hair out of my face but then I heard my hair crunch..

"What was that?" I asked. I opened my eyes to see my mother trying to smile with her quivering lips and her glossy eyes.

"Its the dry b-blood in y-your hair." My vision was blurred by the tears threatening to spill. She cleared her throat.

"Do you, um, remember everything that happened?" She asked just as the nurse returned.

"Y-yes". I said, with tears running down my face.

"Lets start at the very beginning Oaklyn". My mom held my held lightly.

I closed my eyes and thought back before the accident happened. At the beginning of everything.

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