chapter 2

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Oaklyn's POV

3 months earlier.

"Wait what?" I ask again, not sure I heard my mother correct.

"I said it'd just be better for us if we moved out of this town." She doesn't turn away from her cooking as she talks to me. She never does.

"Mom this will be the third time we've moved because you don't like it." my smart alec comment got her to turn around and give me a not-so-nice glare.

I just shrugged it off. It was true! I actually liked this town. The people weren't terrible, and our house was big for just the two of us. 

Of course I would never make smart comments to anyone but my mom, because I'm just the type of person to keep my mouth shut at school and around town.

"Well when you turn 18 you can live wherever you want!" She smiles, and I let out a small chuckle. She hands me a plate of chicken, and veggies, and I thank her before digging in. I mean I would prefer mac and cheese, but that's beside the point.

Halfway through dinner she pulls her laptop out of her bag, and I know she's looking at houses. I go over to her side of the table, and look at houses too because she sounds serious about moving. "Hey we made it 8 months this time!" I cheer.

She jokingly sends a glare, and continues looking. I take our plates into the kitchen, and send a text to my friend Camryn, the only person I'm actually close to here.

Me: Hey


Cam: Hey what's up???

Me: Nothing much. My mom decided we're moving again...


Cam: you're kidding right?

Me: I wish I was. But no. I just found out.


Cam: Well we need to hang out as much as possible before you leave to god knows where!

I laugh and suggest we get smoothies tomorrow. That's why Camryn is my best friend despite us being polar opposites. She never gets tired of me.

The Next Day

I met Camryn at the smoothie parlor a couple blocks away from my house. I saw her long blonde hair from a distance and ran over to her. She turned her head when she heard me running, and immediately embraced me. 

"Camryn, I need to breathe!"

"Breathing is overrated." She protested.

"I'm just moving, I'm not dying!" I squirm in her hug until she lets me go.

We sit on the bar stools, and wait for someone to take our order. But something seems off with her, she's squirming her seat more than usual. "Are you on anything I should know about?" I asked jokingly.

"Haha. Very funny.  I'm still trying to process everything! Sorry that I actually care that my best friend is leaving me!" She pouted until I rested my head on her shoulder.

"It has been an interesting eight months." we just sat there like a couple of bums until someone finally came over to take our order.

"Welcome to the Cocoa Cabana, My name is Drake, what can I get you today?"

"I will take a blueberry banana smoothie please. And my friend will have a strawberry coconut smoothie please." I gave him a kind smile, and he gave me one in return.

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