Chapter 17

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So, this is going to be the last time I update this fic. I added two of the other fics I had here onto AO3. My username there is kdprovance. If you'd like, you can go read my stuff there. I'm leaving this here, because I know people like it. :) Thanks!

I was sitting on a plane with Jared, Jensen, and Misha, preparing to head to San Diego for Comic Con. It was the Wednesday prior, and we had to get there early, because we were appearing on Conan. Jensen and I had been working out a birthday surprise for Jared, and it was going to be tons of fun. I had already given Jared his actual gift, and we had celebrated the day prior because we both knew we were going to be working.


When we arrived at the studio, the fans went wild and we signed things and took some photos with the fans. They were all thrilled for Jared and I and the baby, and they all had such nice things to say. When we finally got inside, we were led to some dressing rooms and we chilled for a little bit, prepping in one way or another for our appearance. Jared was bouncing off the walls, and it seemed Jensen and I had the responsibility of keeping him calm. 

When we headed out to the stage for the interview, the applause was deafening, and the three of us were smiling like idiots. As we sat down and talked, I kept shifting in my seat because I was so excited for the surprise we had planned. I spoke when spoken too, and when Conan said, "So, I understand Jared, that it's your birthday."

He nodded bashfully, as Jared does, and I took that as my cue to get up and go get ready. I kissed him on the cheek and headed backstage to change and grab something. I heard Jensen say, "Well, we have a surprise for you Jared. Kylie?"

I came out and with me, I was rolling a keg of Jensen's companies beer. I had changed into jeans and a t-shirt with the logo on it, and on the back it read, "I was on Conan with Jensen and Jared and all I got was a keg of beer." I saw Jared's face turn fire engine red, and I laughed out loud. He began testing the keg, and everyone, except myself, Jensen, and Jared were confused. Although it was a surprise, he knew immediately what was going to happen. I said, "So, last I heard, you my love, used to do keg stands. I know I want to see that happen, and I'm sure the fans want to see it as well. So? And parents of children who are watching, they could have chosen worse people to look up to."

Both Jared and Jensen laughed at that one, and Jared got into position. Andy grabbed one of his legs while Jensen grabbed the other, and they held him up, while Conan gave him the spout. I started the chant, "JARED! JARED!" and everyone joined in with me, and he was red in the face, but happy. When he came down, he was choking a little, and he walked over and kissed me. He tasted like beer and chapstick. I pulled away, and he whispered, "Love you."

"Love you too. Happy birthday," was my whispered reply.

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