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two | if only

CARLISLE WAS IN THE beautiful country of Italy when he was found by a group of vampires that he would come to know as the Volturi.

He was wandering through the streets of Volterra one night, nose deep in a book, when they found him. They were some of the first vampires he had ever encountered - apart from Alistar - so when they invited him to join them, he did without hesitation.

Little did he know the terror the group had caused people, both humans and vampires alike, over the hundreds of years.


"I do not doubt you will enjoy your life with us, young Carlisle." Aro said, leading the vampire through the castle. "Wealth, blood, and power will become you."

"I don't drink human blood," Carlisle spoke, clearing his voice of his nervousness.

Aro spun around on his heels, looking at Carlisle is bewilderment. "Then what do you feed on?" He asked.

"Animal blood."

"Molto interessante," Aro gasped in awe. He had never met another vampire that didn't feed off the blood of humans.

"I couldn't bare to cause the death of countless humans," Carlisle admits, his golden eyes searching for answers in Aro's face.

A sickening smile spread across Aro's face as he nodded, once again abruptly turning and walking. "You have many people to meet, Carlisle."

"How many people are in your coven?" Carlisle asked as the two made their way down a labyrinth of hallways.

"Quite a bit but you don't need to meet all of them, only the most important ones," Aro answered.

Carlisle nods, watching the powerful vampire before him push open the double door entrance to what would seem like a grand room.

Aro turns to a human woman standing by the doors and smiles. "Did you alert the others of my request?"

The woman quickly nods, crimson red tinting her cheeks as Aro turns away and makes his way towards his magnificent throne.

"Come, Carlisle," he says after he is settled in his seat - one that is raised slightly higher than the others just to show his dominance. "Stand by me as they file in."

Carlisle obeys the king-like figure, moving to stand next to him as the door once again open.

"Aro, have you brought our newest addition?" A small girl asks, quickly walking into the room with a similar looking boy following closely behind her.

"Carlisle, this is Jane and Alec," Aro introduces, holding his hand out to the two. "They possess two of the three most powerful special abilities I have ever encountered."

Carlisle smiles tensely at the pair - who are obviously twins. "What are your gifts?"

"My sister has the ability to inflict immense pain on someone simply by looking into her eyes," Alec explains. "I, on the other hand, have the ability to make someone feel nothing."

"Brilliant, aren't they?" Aro says to Carlisle, a proud smile on his face. "I turned them many years ago when they were on trial for being witches. Two of my most prized possessions."

"As are you, sir," Jane smiles - which sends chills down Carlisle's spine - before the two of them step to the side.

Carlisle's attention turns to the open doors as another pair enters the room. A blonde boy and a redheaded girl.

"How nice of you to join us, Demetri." Aro speaks.

"My apologies, sir," Demetri bows his head, holding his hand out to Aro. "Amara got a bit peckish while we were out and needed to feed."

Carlisle watches as Aro takes Demetri's outstretched hand, his eyes glazing over as he stares about the room. As soon as the look meets his face, it is gone again.

"Amara, dear, can you ever stay full?" Aro asks, turning to the girl who is smirking as he drops Demetri's hand.

"What can I say, Aro," Amara says, her eyes glancing over to Carlisle. "I'm a hungry girl."

Aro laughs, taking his seat at his throne again. "This is our newest addition to the guard, Carlisle."

"Hello," the vampire in question greets politely.

"Amara, would you show Carlisle to his room?" Aro asks, glancing at the clock that is stationed above the entry. "A group of mortals are coming very soon and I don't think our guest would do well watching."

"But sir," Amara protests, but Aro's raised hand cuts her off.

"You just ate, so you mustn't be hungry," he says. "Am I right?"

Amara sighs, nodding her head. "Yes sir."

"Be gone," Aro says.

Amara grabs into Carlisle's wrist, the lake then quickly flitting out of the room. As they are leaving, they pass a group of mortals - all bearing gifts to present to the Volturi.

Carlisle gasps but Amara quickly shushes him, pulling them along.

"Don't look, it makes it harder." She whispers.

"But you feed off of humans?" Carlisle asks Amara when they enter a grand room.

"Doesn't mean I don't feel bad most of the time," she replies, shrugging her shoulders. "This is your room - you'll probably spend most of your free time here."

Carlisle nods his head, moving over to a large bookcase filled with books. He runs his finger along the bindings of each of them. "How did you know that I am a devote studier."

"Aro read your mind and prepared the room - he did that with each of us," Amara says. "Filled mine with art work - I'm an avid art fanatic."

Carlisle nods his head, looking the girl up and down carefully. She intrigued him with her carefree attitude and charisma.

"They'll try to change your diet, you know," Amara says, glancing out the window to look about the city of Volterra.

"They won't be successful. I refuse to take a human life," Carlisle says strongly.

"I don't know how you do it, love." Amara admits. "Human blood is too tempting not to indulge on it."

"Self control and a blatant respect for mortality," he says, watching the sun glitter against the girl's porcelain sink.

Amara smiles, looking over at the blonde. "If only we were all like you, Carlisle. If only."


how amara and carlisle met!!

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