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three | a sight for sore eyes

"CARLISLE HAS TOLD US so much about you, Amara," Esme says, turning in her seat to look at the girl, who was pulling the colored contacts out of her eyes.

"Good and bad things, I suppose," Amara winks at Esme, chuckling.

"Only the very best," Carlisle says, turning into the driveway of his lavish house.

"Hot damn," Amara says, her eyes bugging out of their sockets at the sight of the Cullen residence. "You're loaded."

Carlisle and Esme laugh at Amara's bluntness, slipping out of the car. The shocked vampire follows suit, her eyes analyzing every part of the external features.

"We have one more thing to ask of you, Amara." Carlisle says, rounding the car to stand on one of her sides.

"Another request?" Amara gasps sarcastically. "Carlisle, you're already asking me to basically give myself a death sentence - what more do you want from me?"

"To not feed locally," Carlisle says, not acknowledging her statement. "You can still feed off of humans, but we do ask to go north to do so."

Amara nods. "I won't be needing a feeding until closer to the fight. I fed enough before we came - so, I'll be good."

Both Esme and Carlisle flinch at the words, not keen on the idea of their precious friend rampaging numerous families.

"Only kidding," Amara says, nudging her elbow into Carlisle's side. "Now, do be proper and introduce me to your granddaughter."

Carlisle smiles, nodding before he and his wife quickly lead Amara into their home. Carlisle calls for his children when they enter.

A large burly man and a petit blonde - who is holding a decently large child - enter the living room at the same time as Amara, Esme, and Carlisle.

"Emmett, Annie, Juliet," Carlisle says, pointing to each of his family members. "This is my most dearest friend, Amara."

"Amara, the legendary badass," Emmett says with a smirk, moving forward to pull the girl into a hug. "I've heard so many things about you."

Amara pats his back, pulling away quickly. "Be careful, Hulk, you might crush me."

Emmett lets out a loud cackle as the blonde vampire - Annie - steps forward after setting the child down.

"Thank you, so much, for helping me save my family," she gushes, a large smile on her face. "This is Juliet, our daughter."

Amara kneels down in front of Juliet, a smile on her face as she takes in the girl's features. Her steady heart beat, her flushed cheeks, her perfect skin. Half mortal, half immortal.

"Juliet," Amara speaks, a hint of her Italian accent breaking through her words. "A sight for sore eyes."

Juliet steps forward, raising her hand to press against Amara's cheek. Suddenly, when her hand touches the full immortal's face, images flash through Amara's mind. Images of Annie - who was human at the time - giving birth to her daughter, images of Annie's transformation into a vampire, and images of Juliet's speedy growth.

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