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four | full of questions

THE FIGURE IN HER arms went limb, the jugular resting in her neck falling free from her incisors. She let go, the euphoria fading as she wiped the side of her mouth with her thump and popped it into her mouth.

Sparing the pretty blonde a pitiful look, she stepped over her conquest and moved down the alley and towards the central park. Her attention glossed over a couple making out on a park bench, and she quickly continued on her way.

She tended not to pay much attention to humans unless she was feeding on them -- but that seemed to change with the stillest of movements across the park.

A silhouette was perched against another bench, pivoted against their elbows and looking completely lost in thought.

Going against her better judgement, she turned to walked towards them and plopped herself on the bench beside him.

"Hello," She greeted, but he didn't spare her a glance. She sighed, tapping him on the shoulder irritably. "It's rude to ignore someone trying to hold a conversation with you."

He glared at her then, turning to face her. She smiled at the vampire and patted his shoulder.

"Can I help you?" He questioned, his voice silky to her ears. Amara shrugged at the vampire, a teasing smile pulling at the corners of her mouth.

"Yes. And I can most definitely help you."

"How?" The vampire questioned again.

"Sugar, you are full of questions, aren't ya?" Amara chuckles, leaning forward on her elbows to peer at the man.

"What do you want from me?"

"You're the first of our kind - minus myself - to come through here, I want to know why." Amara says, her eyes analyzing each part of his face. The most prominent feature is his coal black eyes.

"I just want to be left alone. Can't you understand that?" He seethes, pushing himself off the bench and quickly moving away.

Amara doesn't let his aggressive behavior deter her quest to figure the man out so she hurries after him, finding the lonesome vampire at the edge of a pond.

"Why the long face, sugar?" Amara asks, standing next to the man.

"Why can't you see that I want nothing to do with you?" The man turns to Amara, his eyes wide with anger. "You reek of blood, by the way. Humans can probably smell it on you too."

"If they're that close to me, then they'll die too," Amara shrugs dismissively. "Speaking of blood, you need to feed. Your eyes almost creep me out."

"I don't need to feed," he says.

"All vampires do."

"But not all deserve to."

"Do you think you're one of them? The ones who don't deserve?" Amara curiosity skyrockets.

"No - I don't deserve to at all." He says, shaking his head. He didn't know why he was opening up to the redhead but the longer he was in her presence, the less guilty he felt.

"Do you think you're a monster?" Amara asks, knowing that's how humans view them.

"A soulless monster," he nods.

"Aren't we all though?" Amara circles around the man, looking him up and down again. She notices that he's tall and lean, but muscle must live under his loose sweatshirt. "Just bloodthirsty vampires that have nothing else to do than reek havoc on the human population?"

"I don't feed on humans." The statement catches Amara off guard, something that rarely ever happens.

"What do you feel off if you don't drain humans?" Amara asks, dipping her question in sarcasm until it drips with it.


"I've met an animal drinker once, many many years ago."

"My coven believes that humans are too pure to be considered food." He explains.

"If you're part of a coven, why are you all alone?"

He smirks. "You're full of questions, aren't ya?"

"Just trying to figure you out - you spark my curiosity," Amara admits.

The man chuckles, the first emotion except for disgust Amara picks up. The sound is so light and natural sounding to her ears.

"How long are you staying in the area?"

"How long are you?" He asks.

"I bounce from country to country but always find my way back here."

"Can one monster join another in the country jumping?"

"I have one request," Amara says.

"And that is?"

Amara runs her fingers along his shoulder blades, moving from his left to his right. "You tell me your name."

"If I tell you mine, you have to tell me yours. Deal?" He smirks down at her.

"Deal." She smirks back.



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