scorpius POV- (no) regret 1

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Scorpius was done defending Albus. Yes, they were best friends for seven? Eight? Maybe even mine years. But their close bond didn't help the situation- it did the opposite. It reminded Scorpius how he'd been sticking up for his friend's bad choices for years and just how awful it had made Scorpius feel- a gut wrenching feeling, one you shouldn't get for agreeing with your friend. One you should only feel when doing something truly awful but necessary, like having to misgender your friend in front of their parents because they're not out yet, or having to lie to help protect your best mate out of a situation they couldn't help. Agreeing with Albus that Lavender's dress was ugly right to her face or poking fun at someone's nose shape (even if it was the shape of an elongated pickle. Keep it to yourself, please) or the quality of their broom, or if they bought their books second hand ... those things shouldn't be on that list. They shouldn't even matter, in Scorp's opinion (that mattered just as much as albus's, thank you! ). Albus had the power to be a kind, appreciative person. But instead, he made unnecessarily mean comments. It almost seemed he was trying to see how far he could go before Scorpius snapped, done with his ways. Scorpius decided- he didn't want to keep just mindlessly agreeing with his pal. It made Scorp feel like his opinion wasn't as valid, or that he was the lesser of the two friends. That what he was agreeing with somehow also reflected his own values- which they did not. He quite liked Lavender's dress. Used books are cool! Your broom doesn't define your quidditch skill!
So, in an attempt at retaliation for years of silence, Scorp disagreed with a particularly crude comment Albus made. Very loudly. He didn't know where it came from; he practically needed help ordering his own chicken nuggets in the muggle school's "cafeteria".

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