Chapter 8

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     Turin laid in his bed staring at the ceiling. One day... His mind echoed. Just...after tonight he had one day to spend with his mother. It could possibly be the last time he ever saw her.

     As much of jerk as he was, Turin wanted to say bye to his dad. He sort of felt bad. He was...upset Turin was leaving.

The boy sighed. The sun was setting, casting dancing shadows over his wall. Dumaad was sound asleep by Turin's bed, snoring loudly.

Geir didn't want Turin to go because he loved him. No, his mind argued. He just wants me to run the shop. Do his work for him. Wants me to continue the family for HIS name. Well technically it's both of our names but could be taken in different context. He wants it for his benefit, not mine. I won't tell my children any stories about him.

You're tired, Turin. Said an almost snarky voice in his head. Sleep. Turin rolled over onto his side. Yeah, sleep was a good idea. He closed his eyes, knowing sleep would make his aching stop, both physically and emotionally. One may not last as long but some relief was better than nothing.

As much as he tried to sleep, not moving and controlling his breathing, the gears in his head still turned. It is true he only wants me because I can still do things for him....other than that.. Sleep was starting to engulf him, lapping at him like the sea at high tide. He's pushed you away...

Turin moved over into his back. His limbs felt heavy as if they were filled with sand. It was like he was asleep but was still aware of everything around him. This all felt strange but his thoughts were too muddled to even care. After laying there for about fifteen minutes Turin eventually truly fell asleep. He slept dreamlessly until morning.

     Turin woke up to a dragon sniffing his face. Dragon snot dripped from Dumaad's nose onto Turin's face.
     "Gross!" The Viking kid exclaimed, disgusted as he wiped it off with his covers. His black stormcutter caught a cold. Perfect timing....

     Turin got to his feet and very quickly changed. Some of the snot got into the shirt he'd slept in. Turin looked at his dragon. "You should go out to your shed and rest..."

     Turin stood his distance as Dumaad sneezed. He reached out his arm for his shoulder and slowly ushered him outside and to the side of the house, opening the doors to the shed.

     Inside there were some yak skins for the dragon to lay on, a large bucket of water, and a currently empty trough that was rank with the scent of fish. After a while, though, it's easy to get used to. Turin made eye contact with him before inching away as the doors slowly swung closed.

     He jogged back inside and upstairs to his room where he grabbed the dirty, gooey clothes. Dragon snot was a pain to get out of clothing. He brought it downstairs. "Hey mum?"

     Devyn, who had been reading on a chair, looked up. "Yes dear?" Turin lifted up the soiled clothes. Devyn restrained a smile. "Is Dumaad sick?"

      Turin nodded. "Yeah. I put him in the shed..."

     "Do you think he'll be well enough for tomorrow?" She asked. Turin flinched. He hadn't thought about that. It couldn't be that bad though, could it.

     "Um, probably, I guess." Turin answered, not quite knowing the correct response. He turned around a kitchen chair and sat down in it, facing his mother.

     "Turin, just leave them by the wash basin and I'll get them later. Breakfast is on the counter, if you want it."

     He smiled as he looked up to see an assortment of fruits on the counter. It was an awful lot for just the two of them. Maybe she'd been expecting Geir...

     He shook his head. "Thanks Mum." He tossed some strawberries and a cut up apple into a bowl.

     As Turin ate Devyn watched him with a questioning look on her face. "Turin?" Turin looked up, his mouth full. He made eye contact so she knew he was listening. "I was thinking about going on a walk later, do you want to come?"

     Turin swallowed. "Yeah, I'd love to come." A lot of kids would probably find a way to get out of it or go just to make their parent happy, but Turin truly wanted to hang out with his mom. "About when do you want to leave?"

     "I don't know whenever you're ready is fine with me." Turin looked at her, with her silent, slightly childish look on her face.

     "Do you want to go now?" Devyn nodded somewhat shyly, not liking to make demands. Turin smiled. "Okay, then lets go."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2017 ⏰

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