Where are we?

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He picked me up bridal style and we walked out of the house them suddenly it hit me, mom.

"Stop!" i screamed

"What?!??!" he screamed back.

"My mom! we need to get her! Go past the kitchen three doors down the hall but dont forget the keys so u can open the door, they are on the counter." i said in one breath

He walked out slowly but he was facing the way he went in

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Its okay kathy, that was your daughter, she got shot and we need to take we need to take her to the hospital then the police. your stupid "husband" needs to go to jail."

My mom nodded her head slowly while lookin at me.

We walked well i got carried but you know what i mean, we went into the woods and it was alittle steep

"Where are we going?" I asked

"To my house" he spoke as if it was the most obvious thing in the world

My mom didnt say a word the whole time to be honest, i was kinda worried

It was a bumpie ride and my shoulder hurt really bad and blood was everywhere. we soon arrived to this mansion house and i gasped.

"What was that all about?" he asked

"What?" I asked back

"Your eyes just became wide and you gasped, what was that about?" he asked again

"This house is just so big and beautiful" i said

"Oh, well thanks. let's go in and get you fixed up." he said

"Okay, thanks." i said while staring at him straight in his eyes

He looked away first, of course. i dont blame him for not wanting to look at me, i probably look like crap.

We got into the house and it was beautiful.

"LISAAAA!" He screamed

"Coming darling" Lisa said back

She walked into the room we were in, she looked like she was 40 or so with faintly gray in her brown hair that went down to her shoulders. she wore yoga pants and a loose old softball shirt.

Your probably wondering what i look like, well i have dirty blond hair that goes down to about mid back and i have very bright blue eyes, when I'm happy or relieved, i am 5'5 and I'm only skinny because i barley get fed. but unlike me, the guy was gourgeous, he has bright green eyes he has a perfectly toned body and he looks about 6'6

"Can you come fix up her injury please? i will tell you what happened later."

She nodded while looking at me with a sympathetic look. she had me sit down on a black leather sofa while she got everything ready down a hall

"You may come here now miss." Lisa said

I started to try to get up but he ended up picking me up bridal style

"Here I'll carry you." said the guy

I nodded as he picked me up and carried me bridal style to a room that was all silver and had a hospital bed right in the middle

"Okay now we are going to put you under then take this bullet right out of you, it wont take too long."

I once again nodded and she put a mask on my face.

****a few hours later****

I woke up and lifted my head a little too fast.

"Ow" i moaned

"Oh hey sweetie!" Lisa said in a cheery tone

I waved and said hi as the guy walked into the room

"Hey, whats your name? your mom wouldn't tell me..." He said while looking me straight in the eye

"Scarlet" i said quietly

"Thats a beautiful name, love." he said softly

Oh my god he had the most perfect British accent EVER

"im Justin by the way" he said while extending his arm for me to shake

"Hi justin, um can i get a change of clothe and something to eat?" i asked while looking down at the hideous outfit i was in, i got out into a faded gray cubs tee and ugly looking pants that were also gray

"Yeah here let me take you to your room." he said

Wait..... i have a room?

"Why do i have a room?" I asked suspiciously

"Well you are certainly not going back to the dump you were living in so you will be living with me for as long as you need." He said in one breath

"Oh i never got the chance to say thank you, by the way" i said while staring at his amazing eyes

"Your welcome, its not that big if a problem" he said like it was nothing

"Um can i take a shower and brush my teeth?" I do really need to shower, i probably smell like poo

"Umm I'll be right back." he said


He came back after about five minutes or so

"Lisa said you should wait till tomorrow to, is that okay?" He said

"Yeah" ughhhhh

"Sorry i know you feel like you smell bad but you dont, Lisa washed you off when you were down so your fine."

"Oh.. umm okay" was all i said as i walked away

"Wait!" he said while grabbing my wrist and pulling me back

"What?" i asked while we were almost nose to nose staring into echothers eyes

"Can I take you out to lunch?" he asked

"Um sure, that sounds lovely" i said quietly

"Where do you want to go?" he asked while walking me to the front door where the shoes Lisa layed out for me are

" I dont know, I've never gone out for food before..." i said just a little embarrassed

"Really!? wow thats crazy!" he said

"Well there's always a first for everything right?" i said

"Of course love." he said

"Well lets goooo im starving!" i said while rubbing my stomach

^^^^^AUTHORS NOTE^^^^^

Okay so this is my first book. dont say anything bad about if anyone even reads this. i know its really bad and boring right now but it will get better i promise!


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