This is home

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We went and saw a movie called Frozen... it was.. interesting

"Okay well im gonna go to bed now..." I said

"I'll take you to your room." he said as he shot up from the couch

"Okay" i said with a shrug

We walked up the staircase and went down a hall and turned at the third door down. the room we ended up in was huge, there was a huge king sized water bed hanging from four ropes that were connected to the ceiling, a big desk by the far side window of the room, and there were two doors in which i did not know where they would take me. i walked over to the first door and was amazed by how big the empty closet was. I went to the other door and was once again amazed by how big the bathroom was. the walls in the room were a peachy metallic color, the carpet was really fluffy and it was a cream color.

There was two bean bags on the other side of the bed and there was a fridge and a small table looking thing on the side closest to the door of the bed. There was also a flat screen tv and i noticed a double doorway that led outside on a balcony. when I walked outside on the balcony there was a huge pool and a slide and diving boards.

I walked back to where i was beside him he grabbed onto my hand i looked down at our hands without an expression, i cant help but to think of my dad, i shake that memory out of my head and tune into what he is saying.

"This is amazing" i said

"Look up" he said

I looked up and there was a chandelier and sky lights and there were paintings, it was so beautiful. the ceiling was really high up and detailed with engravings. the ceiling was a pearly color mixed in with gold and silver and a hand full of different metallic colors that are painted very carefully into swirls and patterns that i could never draw

"Wow" was all said, in fact thats all i could say. he squeezed my hand again and i immediately looked at our hands i slightly smiled at them

"Do you like it?" He asked, obviously knowing the answer

"Um yes!!" i said while throwing my arm around his muscular torso. He hugged me back but making sure to be careful about my arm

"I actually forgot i had my arm in a sling" i said with a sigh

"Dont worry, your arm will be back to normal in no time" he said while beaming his perfectly white teeth my way

"Where are your parents?" i asked while carefully sitting on the water bed

" They left me here, when i was 16 years old they decided that i could take care of myself while they went to go live in a huge mansion in Florida." he said with no emotion "they were filthy drunks so i didnt mind at all, now i have Lisa who works with me"

"Oh... im sorry" i said quietly "i know this is the most stupid question EVER but where are we?" I felt really stupid but my dad never told me what state we were in so how was i supposed to know?

He looked at me concerned and said "we are in California, it never really snows here for winter" he said

"Oh, when can i start school?" i asked, i kinda felt like i was talking to a parent, of course i meant a parent that didnt sexually abuse me

"We are going to have Lisa reach you everything that you missed your entire life over the summer then you can go to school" he said

"I cant thank you guys enough" i said with all my broken heart

"Like i said, its not a problem, we love to do this kinda stuff." he said while smiling very sweetly to me

"Thats nice, well i am going to actually sleep now" i said while getting up from the bed to let Justin out

"Okay, if you need anymore medication or anything else press the speak button on that speaker and call mine or Lisa's name" he said while pointing by my bed on the wall where this 6' by 4' cream colored speaker thingy was.

"Okay good night" i said while pushing him with my good arm out the door

"Byy-" i cut him off by shutting the door as i heared him chuckle as he heard me scream and play on the bed i stopped as soon as my arm began to hurt really bad again.. ugh he just left! darn

I pressed the button "heyyy Justin um my arm hurts haha sorry" i said quietly not knowing how loud this would be on the other speakers

I heard a click from the speaker and then "okay sweetie, I'll be right up" justin said

I sighed, well there goes sleeping... I heard a knock at the door

"Come in!" i said

"Hey, well i have your medication right here" he said while handing me a bottle

"What if your drugging me?" i said without thinking it first

"Now why would i do that?" he asked with his hand on his heart jokingly

"Well I've only known you for not even a full day!!" I said

"Do you really think that i would go through all the trouble if took to get you just to bring you to my home and kill you?"he asked

"Maybe" i said while crossing my good arm(left) over the bright peachy orange cast

"Well that hurts my heart" he was joking around but i felt bad..

"Okay fine I'll take it" i said while putting two pills onto my hand then swallowing them

"Okay, well goodnight sweet heart" he said while cupping his right hand around my face

"Good night" i said while shutting the door for him and carefully laying in bed. tere was a light switch right by my bed so it was pretty easy to reach over and turn the lights off. my eye kids all of a sudden became really heavy as i drifted off into a deep sleep

*****+AUTHORS NOTE+*****



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2014 ⏰

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