20 questions

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We finally got to the restaurant like 10 minutes later

"What do you want to talk about?" i asked

"Lets play 20 questions." he said

"Okay, me first... when is your birthday?"i asked

"August 9th 1997, when were YOU born?" he asked

"August 21st 1997, how tall are you?"i asked

"6'6, what is your favorite color?" He asked

"Bright bright bright orange, do you have any pets?" I asked

"No, i want one but I'm not home much to care for it, where are you from?"

"I dont know where im from, where are you from?" i asked

"England, have you ever had a boyfriend?" he asked

"I had a secret relationship with a really sweet guy, he was perfect but when my dad found out he scared the poor guy out of town. how many girls friends have you had?" i asked

"I have never had a girlfriend." he said with a blank expression " have you ever had IT?"

"Im gonna say i have never had "IT" when i actually wanted to" i said "have you ever had IT?"

"No, i plan on only having IT with the love of my life" he said

"That sounds lovely, what is your favorite animal?" I asked

"I love lions" he said " and what is your favorite animal, love."

My heart was thumping so hard, god i like he does this to me on purpose

"I love flamingos" i said " have you ever been to a party?" i could tell he was taken aback by my Duden question but soon recovered to answer

"Have have been to a hand full of parties" he said with a smirk " have you ever had alcohol?" he asks

****^^FLASH BACK^^****

"Dad your drunk again" i said

"Sweetly what are you talking about? im perfectly fine" he said while barley being able to keep himself upright on the old couch

"Okay" i said while walking away

"Do you want to try some?" he asked

"No" i said sternly

"Oh come on babe! its really good!! i promise its just a sip" he said while taking yet another swig from his bottle

"I said no" i said

"Well im not asking you amymore, come here and drink the beer!" he shouted

"Fine" i muttered just loud enough so i could here

I sat down on the couch next to him but he pulled me onto his lap by my waist. My heart started racing and i felt like i was gonna vomit all over him, but i had nothing to vomit up. he put the bottle in my mouth then tipped it so the beer would pour into my mouth

"Haha see i knew you would like it!" he said while hiding my waist a little too hard

He kept tipping it until it was all gone. my mouth tasted terrible but he didnt care, he started to try to kiss me but i pushed myself off of him then ran to my room and locked the door.

****^^FLASH BACK ENDS^^****

"No" i said quickly "have you ever had alcohol?" i asked

"Well I've been to parties so yeah i have" he said proudly

"Oh, when do you plan on having kids?" I asked

"After I get married" he said "how many kids do you want?"

"1" i said right away "my favorite saying is 'one and done' i said as he laughed "how many kids do you want?" i asked

"I want 2 kids" he said "alright one more question. when are you planning to start high school?" he asked

"Um when ever i get the money to pay for it." I said while looking at my hands that were in my lap

"I can pay." he said

"No" i said

"Why not?" He asked

"It costs so much money, its bad enough that I'm living i your home." i said

"Come on ppppplllllleeeeeeaaaasssssseeeee?!?!?" He begged

"Fine. how am i going to repay you?" i asked

"You dont have to, you see, if i didnt want you to live with me or if i didnt want to pay for you to go to school the. I would have brought you straight to the police so that i didnt have to deal with you guys. but i want to pay for you and i want to care for you and your mother, so i didnt take you to the police." he said

Then finally the waitress came with our food. i got pancakes and yes i got pancakes for lunch, I've never had them before. Justin got a borito with eggs.

"Thanks" justin said

"Anytime sweetie, my break is coming up soon... do you wanna go have some fun?" she asked him while bending over the table way more than she needed to put his plate down. she said all of this while i was her and she didnt even acknowledge me.

"Um no thanks, im here with my lovely girlfriend. maybe that man over there will want to join you." he said with a smirk while pointing to an old man

Wait did he just say girlfriend?!

"Why her? im so much prettier and i have a perfect body." she said while giving me a dirty look

"I said no, now can you leave so my girlfriend an i can get home earlier?" he asked

"Ugh" she moaned as the walked away

"Wow umm is everyone like that?" i asked

"Only the sluts" he said

"Oh" was all i said before i stuffed my face with the amazing fluffy pancakes covered in whipped cream and syrup

"Oh my goodness these are so freakin good!" i said

"I know haha too bad they aw so unhealthy" he said

"What?" i said, i like my body and i dont want to start to bloat because i cant control myself

"You aren't gonna get cat from eating a few" he said while laughing

"I'm stuffed" i said while holding my stomach

"Me too" he said while holding his stomach, mocking me

"Can we go for a walk?" i asked

"Sure, then we can go see a movie or something"

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