Jinkook : Hyung

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"If you win, I'll do whatever you say for a whole two weeks."
"And if you win?"
"You have to do whatever I say for one week." Seokjin pauses and raises an eyebrow.
"...What's the catch?" Jeongguk lets out a mischievous grin.
"You have to treat me like the eldest, and I get to treat you like the youngest." Seokjin frowns.
"That's not even fair," he says.
"If you forfeit now, that just means I win."
"...How do I know you'll follow the honour system?" Jeongguk raises a hand in the air and grins.
"I swear I will follow the honour system." Seokjin nods and copies him before he picks up a controller and they face the screen.
"24 races, fastest karts, whoever beats the other wins," Seokjin goes over the rules. He hovers over pressing the start button, but jumps when Jeongguk smacks his hand down on Seokjin's and the game begins.
It's thirty minutes they're tensed up on the couch, MarioKart Wii on the screen as they concentrate so hard on their selfish wins. It's the last race. If Seokjin wins this, Seokjin wins the bet.
Seokjin loses.
"No!" he yells out in protest, and points accusingly at Jeongguk. "You cheated!" Jeongguk opens his mouth and is about to retort when he catches himself and clears his throat.
"By the way," he hums, "you can't tell anyone about the bet until the week is over." Seokjin opens his mouth now to retort, but he doesn't get a chance to when Jeongguk strolls off, saying something about the punishment starting tomorrow.
"Seokjin, can you get me an apple, please?" Jeongguk asks the next day from his lain position on the couch.
"Okay...," Seokjin sighs, and adds with a grimace, "hyung." Jeongguk laughs to himself and Seokjin gets up, grabs the most bruised apple, and drops it into Jeongguk's lap.
"Thanks, Jin," he smiles.
"You're welcome." Grimace. "...Hyung." Jeongguk coos and ruffles Seokjin's hair, similar to how Seokjin would do to Jeongguk before he was deemed a fake maknae for the week.
He hates it. He hates having to call Jeongguk his hyung because he's not, he's nowhere close to being even someone nearly his age. Jeongguk's the child and Seokjin's the adult and that's how it should always be.
Except he has to morally follow the honour system, as they had both promised. It doesn't mean he can't hate it, though.
"Jeongguk," Seokjin says, and the younger doesn't respond. "Gukkie." Nothing, and Seokjin grits his teeth and says through them, "Hyung."
"Yes?" Jeongguk responds in a curious tone, looking over from his phone.
"What d'you want for dinner?" Jeongguk coos again and reaches to ruffle Seokjin's hair (he wishes he would stop doing that).
"Aw, Jinnie, you don't have to worry about making dinner," he hums. "I'll cook something for everyone." Seokjin opens his mouth to respond, but stops himself and sighs.
It's Taehyung that notices the change in scenery and attitude, and he watches the exchange from afar, wondering just why in the hell Jeongguk's being so rude to Seokjin.
"Jimin," he whispers, and the other looks away from his phone in question. "Why is Seokjin-hyung calling Jeongguk, 'hyung?'" Jimin raises his brows.
"Are you serious?" he replies, and Taehyung points to the two, who are still in their strange conversation, Seokjin looking like he wants to murder Jeongguk.
"Maybe it's a joke," Taehyung guesses. "But..."
"...Seokjin-hyung looks too upset for it to be a joke." It goes silent for a moment. "You want to join in on the fun?"
"You want to get everyone to join in on the fun?" They lock eyes and both hold grins, running away to the other members to tell them just what the plan is.
"Hyung," Yoongi says, and points towards the salt, "can you hand me the salt, please?" Seokjin, on instant, raises his hand to grab it, but realises the salt is all the way across the table.
"Yoongi, I can't reach that," he points out, and Yoongi chuckles.
"Jin, I meant Jeongguk-hyung," he laughs. There's a long moment of silence before Jeongguk passes the salt down the line to Yoongi, who thanks him. Jimin can hardly keep a straight face, and the rest of the members continue on eating, whereas Seokjin holds a surprised open mouth and Jeongguk a shit-eating smirk.
"Hey," he says, grabbing at Jeongguk's arm and keeping him behind after dinner ended. "There was no part of the bet where everyone else got to treat you the eldest, too. You didn't follow the honour system, you told." Jeongguk furrows his brows and shakes his head.
"No," he denies, "I didn't say anything to anyone." He shrugs, "It's not my fault they can catch on so quick, Seokjin-ah." He strolls away and says over his shoulder, "Guess everyone's your hyung now, huh?"
And that, they are.
"Please shut up, Namjoon," Seokjin groans as Namjoon continues to hum on to whatever music he's listening to. "I'm not in the mood."
"Yah, that's, 'hyung,' to you," Namjoon says. "Why're you so bratty today?" Seokjin's in literal Hell. First Yoongi, now Namjoon.
"Jinnie!" Hoseok's voice joins in on the fun, "I'm making sandwiches, do you want one?" Seokjin shakes his head and gives back a half-hearted, 'no, thanks,' before he turns back to Namjoon.
"Why are you torturing me?" he asks, and Namjoon just chuckles into the pages of the book he's reading.
"Because we love to torture our maknae," he says simply, and Seokjin slumps into the couch. "Don't think being cute can get you out of anything, either." Seokjin slumps more.
Literal. Hell.
As time goes on, Seokjin gets more and more irritated. It's only day three and he can't stand living like this, earning harsh glares from all his friends when he doesn't address them as, 'hyung,' and he hates that more than he hates actually being the youngest. So he sucks it up and is sure to address everyone properly, no matter how fake it all is.
"Hyung," he says, and the three heads attached to the bodies on the couch shoot up, Jimin, Jeongguk, and Hoseok. His eyes fall to Jimin, "Jimin-hyung, I mean."
"What is it?" he questions.
"Can you help me, please?" Jimin grins at the request and jumps to his feet to follow Seokjin out of the room.
"So," Hoseok hums, and turns to Jeongguk, "what's with the whole, 'hyung,' thing?" Jeongguk laughs.
"Can't say," he replies. "But I like how you're all joining in."
"Well, an opportunity like this only comes once in a lifetime."
"It's strange, none of you seem to mind playing along." Hoseok shrugs.
"It's weird to call you, 'hyung,' but it cancels out because Seokjin has to call us all, 'hyung,' too." He nudges Jeongguk, "So, how long does this go on for, hyung?" He adds a lilt to his voice at the honourific.
"I'm sure Seokjin will tell you," Jeongguk says, "but for now, keep on with the plan." He shifts. "I would've thought Jimin would hate this."
"No, he enjoys the new change just the tiniest bit. Plus, I mean... Seokjin calling him, 'hyung?' It's like a dream come true." Jeongguk laughs and Hoseok joins in, the conversation switching elsewhere.
Seokjin could've probably made it through the week had he been able to stay inside the whole time.
But now he's out to film a Gayo episode and he really hates holding to the honour system in front of the camera. It's when the director asks the reason for the sudden change in honourifics that Taehyung tells them.
"We don't know why," he starts, "but for an undetermined amount of time, Seokjin is the maknae and Jeongguk is the eldest hyung." Jeongguk waves and Taehyung laughs. "We're willing to play along, though, for a little while."
"It really is strange," Yoongi adds. "I'm not used to calling Jeongguk, 'hyung.' But I like that Seokjin has to call me, 'hyung." The group laughs, all but Seokjin, and he slumps into his cross-legged position on the floor as the board game they play continues.
"Give me my card," Seokjin urges the property card towards himself, wanting to get it from Hoseok.
"Alright, alright, you brat," he laughs out, and hands off the card to Seokjin.
"Namjoon-hyung." Namjoon looks up. "Do you want to trade the...green for the blue?"
"No way, the blue ones are the best ones," Namjoon retorts, and Seokjin whines. "Don't whine at me, Jinnie, you won't get it."
"Not even if I do aegyo?" he asks, and Namjoon can't help but laugh as Seokjin shoots cute looks towards Namjoon. Even if Namjoon knows he's doing it for the camera, at the least, it's nice to see him without the permanent scowl he's been wearing.
"Okay, okay, trade," Namjoon agrees, trading across the property cards.
The game continues on and it's finally when the camera turns off that Seokjin returns to frowns and huffs.
"Aw, Jinnie, don't look so down," Taehyung laughs. "We still had fun."
"Not really," he sighs, crossing his arms.
"How come you can't tell us why this is going on, though?" Taehyung tilts his head.
"Because...," Seokjin hesitates. "Hyung, I can't tell you, okay?" Taehyung giggles and just shakes his head, walking off towards Jimin.
"What's up, Jin?" Jeongguk jumps on him, throwing an arm around Seokjin's shoulders.
"Nothing, hyung," he says through gritted teeth. Jeongguk hummed.
"Y'know, I never thought I'd love the sound of you calling me, 'hyung.' It's just...satisfying."
"And I never thought I could despise you more than I already do." Jeongguk frowns and pushes Seokjin's head back with a finger to his forehead.
"Don't be such a brat, Seokjin. Once the week is over, you'll be completely free from all torture. But, for now, I'm going to milk it for all it's worth." Seokjin grunts in frustration.
Damn the honour system, honestly. And damn his morals.
Thank God the week is coming to an end. Thank. God.
Seokjin's counting the hours and minutes until he can burst into Jeongguk's room and push him around and make Jeongguk call him, 'hyung,' again. Make things right, how everything is supposed to God damn be.
"Stop pushing me," Jeongguk frowns while he tries to pay attention to the movie on the screen, Seokjin fidgeting beside him. Four hours. It's eight at night. Once midnight hits, he's so going to torture Jeongguk. "You're such a brat."
"Won't be for much longer," Seokjin replies with a huff, crossing his arms.
"Well, I'm still your hyung for four more hours, so quit being annoying and watch the movie." Seokjin pouts and Jeongguk turns to laugh, and pinches his cheeks. "You're so cute, you know that?"
It's been in the back of his mind, he knows it. He knows that in the back of all the recesses of his brain, he very minorly enjoys being coddled by Jeongguk. Being taken care of. Having the responsibility stripped from him.
It's strange, because Seokjin has never entertained the possibility that Jeongguk could ever take care of him. Because Seokjin takes care of Jeongguk, takes care of everything and everyone.
Jeongguk the most, usually.
And it's strange, when Jeongguk pats his hair comfortingly and he leans in and lets himself get taken care of for once.
"Hyung...," he hums quietly, a while later when silence has stretched long enough for him to start falling asleep. "I'm sorry." Jeongguk looks over and down to Seokjin, who's somehow made himself comfortable underneath his arm. "For being such a brat the whole week." Jeongguk laughs. "What?"
"Hyung, it's past midnight," he points out, and Seokjin's eyes waver up to the clock on the wall to see, yes, it is indeed a half hour past twelve and he shrugs slightly.
"So you don't have to call me, 'hyung,' anymore." Jeongguk looks back. "What d'you mean, 'so?'"
"Just..." Seokjin settles further into Jeongguk's side and lays his head on his chest. "Just... So." He closes his eyes. "You're warm."
"You're weird." Seokjin laughs sleepily. "Night."
"Night, hyung."

2025 words

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