chapter 15

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I looked at the slip of parchment in my hand with the addresses scrawled on it. I looked at the second address & pointed to it.

“I think we should try this one first."

Pippin looked at me oddly.

“Why? It is the second one. Why not start with the first, go in order?"

“Because she told me to start on the second one. She said the others were ersatz locations."

“Again with this, Ara?"


“Are you sure you do not have a fever?"

“I will surely get one if you continue pestering me!"

“What about taking a trip to see an alienist? I have heard that there are plenty good ones here in London, Ollie."

“I do not want to pay to sit with some fancy bloke asking me how I feel about things. I can just do that with you, the wall, a chair, anything!"

“Why not? Would you rather go insane?"

“I am not going insane! I actually, literally saw..."

The facts were, I actually had not seen the maiden.

“Exactly, Ara."

I sighed, thinking desperately, hoping to come up with something I could say back that could convince him I was, in fact, not going completely insane. The problem was, I was most definitely not sure myself that I actually was not going insane. Thankfully, the maid-bot walked in the room right then, with a message printing out.

The note read:

It is lunch-time, if anyone is interested. Follow the maid-bot back if you are. -Ed

I laughed & looked at Pippin.

“I suppose he is not the type of person who will simply yell across the house to get someone to come..."

The bot made an odd sort of beep, then started walking away slowly.

I followed, with Pippin behind as we navigated towards the dining room.

We arrived in a short time, as the flat was a small place. The maid-bot opened the door while bowing at exactly a hundred-degree angle, & let us go in.

Walking in, the food's smell wafted to my nostrils & I sighed. It smelled delicious, as most food did.

Pippin sat down at the table as I did the same. Silently, we ate. The roast beef was particularly tasty & tender, just as I had recalled programming the maid-bot to prepare it.

“What do you think of my Analytical Engine?"

Pippin was silent, so I decided I should speak up first.

“It was rather large, I had quite expected something a bit smaller than it was. I certainly did not expect it to take up an entire room. Also, the tactile features are proper confusing to me. I just can-not figure it out in the least. I should think it was magick if I did not know any better."

He laughed.

“Yes, that is true. I myself, not having the least idea how anything works, can-not help thinking it might just be magick & here we are thinking it is something complex, yet understandable, when, truly, it is utterly incomprehensible. Imagine that. The gods are using their magick to make fools of us all!"

“It could pretty well be true that they are, Simply Edward."

“Ara! Do not suggest such a thing! You know they hear us, do you not?"

“I know, but they never actually do anything, do they?"

Then I got a piercing ache in my head.

“So We do not do anything, you say? Child, you know nothing! You shall see! You shall see the gods in all their power, your foolish human!"

The screeching, echoing voices resounded in my head & I clasped my head. Then, the pain vanished just as quickly as it had arrived.

To my surprise, no one had noticed a thing, & Simply Edward & Pippin were in a conversation relating to the addresses of the Oracle.

“We should probably, go one by one, should we not? Ara said that we ought to start with the second, but I fail to the logic in doing so."

“I can-not see the logic in it either, besides, the second is in the deeper part of the East End, & it would be impractical to start there."

“Oh? You keep mentioning the East End."

“The locations are all situated somewhere in the East End. I do not particularly like it. It is all in awful areas. I shall have to take my revolver, I suppose."

“Hold on! I never said that either of you fellows could come along. This is my problem, not yours, I should be the one to take on it. Simply Edward, you are doing quite enough by housing a fugitive in your flat. You, Pippin! I said you could come along to London! I never acquiesced to you accompanying me to see the Oracle."

Simply Edward laughed.

“My dear lady! Surely you do not plan on going to the East End alone! It is no place for a lady with noble blood to go alone! You would be nabbed up & taken to the authorities for a reward within two seconds of having stepped out into the streets. There are extremely desperate people there, not only desperate for their next drop of liquor, but also mothers that have been driven to such a state that they no longer care what they have to do to feed their children, & such cases as that. Despite your rather imposing height, you were still raised in a noble's home, while they were raised on the streets, & have become calloused to everything & many are quite a bit stronger than you. I suggest you let us accompany you. It is better to have three than one alone."

“I see. I did not know it was that bad in the East End. I suppose you can accompany me, but it is of your own choice & I wash my hands of anything that could possibly occur because of such a choice. Also, if there is an extra revolver, I should like to have it."

“I have a revolver collection. Thirteen, to be precise. You shall have your pick."

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