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Some of you, my dear, very, very sad excuses for human beings, may be wondering when the hell we finally get to the part where Smoky and Finn pop there little, okay, one little head and one big head, out the water. Well, here it is! Chapter 05, scene one, in which baby hands and Finley pop their heads out of the frigid waters of some random, unnamed river. Action!

As stated previously, baby hands and Finley come up for air. Well, Finley takes in lots of breaths, but Smoky the toddler, well.... he screams for his life. "Help! Help! I can't swim! Hey, random passenger! Help me already! Hurry up, now! I've got land to kiss!" And with Shorty's pathetic screams for life, Finn swam, okay, walked, since it was so fucking shallow, to Smoky, hoisted him on his shoulders, and walked back to shore in the two and three quarters feet deep water. Smoky was huffing, arms crossed, his wet beard dripping onto Finn's nose. "You seriously couldn't save me from hours, upon hours, of drying the world's greatest beard?" Smoky asked, anger hinted in his voice, but he he had a happy expression, twirling his beard. They finally rested inside a cave, the water there going up to Smoky's neck, once again making him grumble. Finn couldn't help laughing when he couldn't get his stubby ledge up to the high and dry stone ground. They rested there. But only for a moment. A massive dragon emerged from the water-

You can't hear me, but I'm laughing hysterically. Sorry, sorry. This didn't happen but I like to throw your lazy asses off. Just this once. But I will tell you that it wasn't a fluffy mouse. Or a tiny mouse holding a tiny fork riding a rabbit with rabies, stabbing Smoky in the foot, despite that being awesome, and I even pitched the idea to Villé himself. Sadly, it was shot down. :(

To keep up the suspense, I think we'll hit pause for now. Hashtag cliffhanger, am I right?

Next time on Thoughts: We'll reveal what the fuck actually emerged from the water. :)

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