Chapter 4: How to Repay a Debt

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Guy looked at the physician with such a threatening glare that the man had to step back.
"If the sheriff is so sick because he lost a lot of blood, do you want to explain to me what's the sense in using leeches on him?!" He snarled. "Get rid of those things and disappear immediately!"
The doctor grabbed the glass jar that contained the leeches and ran to the door without daring to complain.
Left alone with him, Marian looked at Guy.
"Are you sure that's alright? Perhaps it would have been better to let him stay with the sheriff."
Gisborne shrugged.
"He stitched the wound, treated him with an ointment to avoid an infection, and he gave him a tonic, anything else he could do would just cause more harm to him. I don't trust too much the theories of that charlatan. And the leeches are absolutely disgusting," Guy said with a shudder.
Marian found herself angrily thinking that Guy had not looked so disgusted when it was a beautiful woman to suck blood from his wound, then she was surprised by that thought.
Even though Lady Millacra had shamelessly offered herself to Guy, why would it be a problem for her? She loved Robin, Gisborne could at most be a friend and an ally.
"What do we do now?" She asked, worried.
"I'll get you back to your lodgings. It's better if you shut yourself inside your room, and don't open the door to anyone, until I find the person responsible for these aggressions. I will leave some men to guard your door, you will have nothing to fear."
Guy offered his arm to her, and Marian took it, but, before leaving the Sheriff's room, she stopped to take the turnip lantern. Perhaps she was being silly, but if she could put it on the window sill, she would feel more safe.
Gisborne ordered his men to keep watch over the sheriff and to protect him from any threat, then he accompanied Marian through the corridors of the castle. The girl seemed to be nervous and frightened, and she was startled at every little sound. Guy found himself smiling.
Marian was always so obstinate and independent, and he was pleased to see that for once she seemed to need his protection.
He touched the girl's hand that was resting on his arm with a reassuring gesture, and he smiled at her.
"You will be perfectly safe, but if you need me, tell one of the guards. They'll call me right away and I will come to protect you."
Marian couldn't help blushing.
"Thank you."
Arriving in front of the door of her rooms, Guy came inside with her, apologizing for that intrusion, and quickly examined her lodging, making sure that no one could hide in a niche, behind a curtain or under the bed.
"See? Close the door and nobody can hurt you."
Except for the souls of the dead. Marian thought, but she didn't say anything, afraid that she could look superstitious in Guy's eyes.
Gisborne stepped away from her, lingering for a few moments before taking leave from her, and Marian had the impression that he was about to kiss her.
She was ready to dismiss him, outraged, but Guy didn't do anything, and he just walked out of the door after a last reassuring smile.
Marian watched him go away. She should have been relieved by the fact that he had not taken any initiative to court her, but inexplicably she felt disappointed.
With a sigh she put the lantern on the window sill and she looked at it for a while. Gisborne had taken so much care to carve it, with the sole purpose of reassuring her and to dissipate her silly fears. Looking at the turnip, Marian had the impression of seeing Guy sitting by the fireplace and concentrating on that job, moving the knife to carve a monstrous face.
In her thoughts, Marian could imagine herself touching his fingers to stop his work, then stooping down to kiss him.
She winced, blushing furiously.
What was she thinking? Why should she want to kiss Gisborne?
Furious for those unsuitable thoughts she headed to the basin, and she wet her face with cold water, then she shivered and decided that it would be better for her to change into a warmer dress.

Guy moved away from Marian's room, pleased with his own behavior. He had been confident and protective with the girl, and for once he had refrained himself from pleading any gesture of affection from her. Inside, he felt a bit like a heroic knight, ready to defend her from anything.
His security gradually collapsed as he moved along the desert corridors. He could hear a ghostly howl coming from the courtyard, and he shuddered thinking of the huge black dog he had seen shortly before.
That monstrous beast had looked at him, and Guy could not help but wonder if his destiny was sealed, if he was really condemned to die and be dragged to hell.
The castle, like all the ancient dwellings, was full of rustling and creaking, and each of those sounds startled Guy, who felt nervous.
As he walked, he seemed to hear the sound of other steps that followed him, but, as soon as he stopped, everything was silent, and Guy could not figure out if it was just the echo that resounded in the stone corridors or if someone was really following him.
He was tempted to run, but he forced himself not to.
I shouldn't have laughed at the spirits of the dead, and I shouldn't have eaten an offering destined to them.
He hated to be frightened by the shadows, just like one of Locksley's ignorant peasants, but he kept thinking of the "soul cake" he had eaten so superficially, and he feared that he had lured the wrath of the dead on himself.
The howl resounded again, and Guy hurried.
He wanted to have something to do to distract him from those thoughts, but he had already ordered the guards to check the castle from top to bottom, and he had to wait for them to come back for their report.
Passing in front of the kitchens, he stopped, caught up with a sudden idea. It was absurd and he was only ashamed to think of it, but perhaps it could be useful to dispel those irrational fears.
He went into the kitchens, and he noticed with relief that there was only one of the women who worked there. The girl looked at him, worried: Guy of Gisborne was a dangerous man and the servants feared him, though, if she wanted to be honest, she had never seen him act cruelly or unfairly as the sheriff often did.
"My lord?" She asked, looking at him. "Can I do something for you?"
Guy stared at her and the woman was surprised to see him hesitate. If it hadn't been impossible, she would have thought that she saw him blush.
"Yes, maybe you can help me." Guy said, a bit embarrassed, then he looked at her, threatening. "But if you talk about it to anyone, you will regret it bitterly."
The woman winced. She knew that she was not particularly attractive, but what would she have to do if Gisborne wanted to take advantage of her? She had no way of defending herself and she'd have to bend to his desires, as immoral as they could be.
"Tell me what I can do for you, my lord." She stammered, and Guy closed the door, locking it. He approached her, and the woman shuddered.
"Do you know how to prepare soul cakes?" Guy asked, clearly embarrassed, and the woman stared at him, astonished.
"The soul cakes, sir?"
Guy looked at her, angry.
"Yeah, what's so strange about it?!" He snarled. "Now answer!"
The woman was startled.
"Yes sir, everyone knows how to do it!"
"Well, I don't, and I want you to teach me how to make them."
The woman looked at him, thinking that he was crazy or that he wanted to make fun of her.
"You, sir? If you wish, I can prepare some of them for you."
Guy seemed to reflect on that offer, then he shook his head.
"No, I think I have to prepare them myself to put things right," he said, talking to himself, then he looked back at the girl. "Let me see how it is done. And remember that if you talk about this to a living soul, I'll make you regret it."
The young woman glanced at him, perplexed, then she decided that it was better not to ask questions and to just obey. It seemed absurd to her that the sheriff's henchman might be interested in messing around in the kitchen, but if that was what he wanted, she would teach him how to prepare the soul cakes."
She took the flour bag and laid it on the table, then she looked at Guy.
"Maybe you'd better take off your jacket, Sir Guy. You could get flour on it, and it would be noticeable right away on your black clothes."
Gisborne looked at her, trying to figure out if the woman was making fun of him, but she seemed serious. He took off his jacket, put it down on a chair, and he looked back at the girl, waiting for other instructions.
The young woman hid a smile: the powerful and fierce Guy of Gisborne had just obeyed her advice and he was now waiting for her to give him other instructions. It was a feeling that she could become accustomed to, the woman thought, starting to feel confident.
"Well, now roll your sleeves and wash your hands with the water of that bucket, then come back here, measure three bowls of flour and put it in that big container.

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