001. ' stairs are too much '

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i.   ' stairs are too much '

With the sounds of the busy streets of London behind him, Peter rushed to work. He was very late, an hour to be exact. He had been up late last night, finishing up some paperwork that had been dropped on his desk. It was his second week on the job, so it was quite easy to dump paperwork on him since they were all so 'busy'.

Muttering some curses under his breath, he pushed through the front doors and sped down the halls. He had opened the door to see a grumpy and dishevelled Lestrade.

"Is something wrong Lestrade?" Peter asked the older man.

"Press conference. Bloody guy keeps making a fool out of us." The man mumbled back, looking as if he was in deep thought.

"Oh." The young detective didn't push further, seeing as how this person stressed Lestrade out and the fact he came in late.

"Look at the files on the recent suicides would you?" Lestrade asked whilst dragging his hand across his face.

"Okay, got it." Internally it was more of an 'Oh my god, if I read another file I won't absorb a thing' type of thought.

About ten minutes later he was looking through the files that Scotland Yard had on the recent suicides. Sir Jefferey Patterson, James Phillimore and Beth Davenport. He wasn't convinced that they were just suicides, it just didn't make any sense.

"Peter!" Lestrade called.

"Yes?" The curly haired man replied.

"There has been another suicide. I'm going somewhere, meet me at the crime scene." Lestrade instructed.

The younger detective sighed and reluctantly nodded. Lestrade had been his ride since he didn't particularly like Donovan nor Anderson (The three were the only ones he knew could drive him there). Sally liked to flirt and try to get in his pants, whilst Anderson annoyed him by trying to boast on how great his forensic skills were and etcetera, etcetera.

In the end, he had asked Sally for a ride to the crime scene. It had seemed it was the better choice between the two, boy was he wrong. She had taken to flirting with him yet again, trying to get him to go out with her.

When the drive was over he said a quick thank you to Donovan and jumped out of the car. The blue lights flickering where the police had surrounded the scene of the crime.

At the tape, he flashed his badge to the officer and ducked to get under the tape. The same officer handed him a walkie-talkie, so he could stay in touch with the rest of the unit.

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