002. ' why do i even bother? '

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ii.   ' why do i even bother? '

Peter had been dragged to go skip diving with Sherlock. It had been an hour, looking through the skip trying to find a small pink case. Peter had been in about three skips before actually finding the deep pink case. It was late and Peter was told he had to go with Sherlock to see if anything happened involving the case.

Sherlock had then pulled him along, back to a place with the address 221 B Baker Street. He had taken his coat and scarf off in two swift motions. Peter had taken off his jacket too and had set it on the black armchair.

"Oh, if a man in a suit offers you money to 'spy' on me. Do take it." This left Peter highly confused.

Peter didn't really know what to do because Sherlock had gone into this meditative-like state with three nicotine patches on and he wasn't sure if it was healthy to put that many patches on at once. Peter had tried to text Lestrade about how they had found the pink case Sherlock was looking for. The only problem was, he had lost his phone. He assumed it was dropped when digging through the skips.

Peter couldn't do much about the phone, he supposed he get a new one later. Peter had also realized that they had left Dr. Watson back at the crime scene. So he had set a kettle on the stove to make some tea for himself, John and Sherlock even though he didn't know when John would be getting back to the flat. When he went looking for the milk, the decapitated head in the fridge had given him quite a scare, also the glass jar of eyeballs sitting on the counter.

In the end, he had made himself a cup of tea and sat down on the black leather chair. Not less than 20 minutes ago, Sherlock had called for a 'Mrs Hudson' and it was rather loud and it was about 5 minutes later that John had come through the front door, looking quite angered.

"What are you doing?" John directed at Sherlock.

"Nicotine patch helps me think. Impossible to sustain a smoking habit in London these days." Sherlock responded. "Bad news for brain work."

"Good news for breathing." John sighed, being beyond annoyed.

"Ugh breathing. Breathing is boring."

"Is that three patches?" John questioned.

"Yeah, he said it was a three patch problem. Do you want a cuppa?" Peter had explained.

"Yes, please." John accepted.

"Well. You asked me to come I assume it is important." John said to Sherlock as Peter stood up to make John a cup of tea.

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