The replacement of a princess is possible
As is the replacement of a queen
But its not possible for a goddess
Atleast not the one I know.
Now I'm sure your telling yourself
"Now now, a goddess can be replaced silly author"
But you never know until you find that one
The one you see as a goddess.
Now we all have our queens
And we all have our princesses
But not everyone has a goddess.
I have a goddess in my life
One that makes me smile,
Makes me laugh, enjoy life,
Just makes everything better.
I don't know what I am to her
But I hope she feels deep for me
As I feel deep for her
Because I'm sure I will do what I can for her
Whether it's helping her deal with small tasks
Or facing a big problem.
I could list the goddess's name
But that would take the fun out of it.
Poems/Songs/Random Writings
Mystery / ThrillerThis is gonna hold all the poems and songs that I do. The songs are just lyrics, no musical instrument added, just the lyrics.