Age 16

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A/N I'm adding a new character in this chapter. His name is Isaac and he looks like this:

 His name is Isaac and he looks like this:

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Y/N= Your Name

L/N= Last Name

H/C= Hair Color

This is your outfit:

You knocked on the door to the Heffley house

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You knocked on the door to the Heffley house. Susan answered, looking flustered, with Manny hanging from her waist. "Hey Mrs. Heffley, is Greg home?" You asked.

"Manny not now, honey." She said to her son, detaching his arms from around her, and shooing him away. She fixed her shirt before answering you. "Hi Y/N, Greg is in his room." She smiled.

You thanked her and then ran upstairs to find Greg.

You kick the door to his room open, causing him and Rowley to jump. "BOOM! Suck it losers!" You shouted.

You were 16 and had just gotten your driver's license. You pulled it out of your pocket, and started waving it in their faces. "Look what I got? I wonder what it could be? It looks like, no, no wait it is...It's a driver's license! Goes great with these." You took a set of car keys out of your other pocket and shook them near Greg's ear. "You hear that? That's the sound of freedom."

He pushed your hand away and made a face.

You leaned in closer to him. "Yeah, I got my license, Rowely's got his permit, and what does little Greggy have?" You baby-talked in his ear.

"Nothing." He mumbled.

"That's right, NOTHING!" You fell onto Greg's bed in a fit of giggles.

"Greg can't drive! Greg can't drive!" Rowley chanted, joining in on the teasing. He repeatedly poked Greg in the shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah you guys know that's only because I'm a few months younger than you." He grumbled, shoving Rowley's arm.

"Whatever you say Greggy." You laughed, bouncing on his bed with excitement.

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