Even Though..

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"College?!" Karen yells

"Yes college. I want to do something important. And singing is not-

"You listen here Kayla. I have 4 children I need to take care of! And if you think going to collage is cute.. It's Not!"

"I don't think it's cute. I just don't want to do this anymore!" I say walking away into my room.

Karen doesn't understand anything.

Then I hear a knock on my door

"Go away!" I yell putting my face in the pillow

"It's Kassie."


"Um hey Kas." I say opening the door.

"I heard you and mom got in a fight." She says sitting on the bed.

"Yeah. She just dosnt understand what I want to do as a adult."

"Well I do Kayla." Kassie says looking at me.

"I know you do Kassie" I say getting up "but it's Karen who needs to understand I can't stay like this forever. I have a life to live."

"What would that be?"

"I want to go.. I want to move out."

"Kayla you can't move out of your own house!" Kassie says getting up

"I can if I want. I can't stay here anymore."

"Where are you gong to go?" She says looking down

"To collage."

"Really?" She says with a smile

"Yeah. It's something I have always wanted to do."

"I'm proud of you Kayla." She says hugging me

"Thanks Kas."

"Can we watch the Harry Potter movie now and eat ice cream?"

"Yeah sure."

I know leaving everything I have now and going to collage seems crazy.. But it's really not. I can start a new life.

"You got Rocky road?! Wow thank you!"

"You welcome."

"Ice cream?" Says Kameron "so you can gain more weight Kassie?"

"Shut up Kameron!"

"Girls clam down!" yells Karen.

"Kayla I need to talk to you. " Karen says bringing me into the hall.

"What?" I say looking away

"You going to collage may be your choice but as your mother and manger I advise you to do one more performance"

"Why do I need one more? I say turning around "haven't I don't plenty?"

"Yes you have Kayla. But this would really help you career end well if you finish it off.. Big."

"I don't think I'm ending my career. But I not going back to this for a long time."

"Kayla that's not how you stay on top!" Karen yells and Kassie, Kameron and Kyle look at us.

"Listen" she lowers her voice "you should do this. I have a performance set up for you on American idol you can do."

"Yeah okay." I say walking away

"I mean it. It's tomorrow at 8:00am!"

"Okay okay!" I say sitting on the coach.

"Come on Kassie lets watch Frozen." I say stuffing my mouth with popcorn

"Okay coming. Here you go" she hands me a blow of ice-cream

"Thanks." I say wrapping the blanket around me.

After the movie went off I saw that Kassie had fell asleep in my lap. I really am going to miss her when I leave. I picked up Kassie and carried her into her room and tucked her in.

Then I get a call


I know I shouldn't Answer.. But I really want to see what he has to say.

"Hello?" I say walking out of Kassie's room into mine

"Hey Kayla."

"What do you want?"

"I wanted to say I'm sorry and.. I wanted to know would you like to go on a date with me to tonight?"

"Your kidding right?"

He's kidding right?

"No I'm on going on a date with you!" I softly yell

"Please Kayla. I said I was sorry."

"Sorry is not enough. It never will be. Maybe a proper apology." I say laying down

"Then we can get back together?" He say eager

"No! I don't want to get back with you."

"Well.. I apologize Kayla for what I did. I'm really really sorry. It was stupid and I don't love her. I love you."

"Well I forgive you."

"Well.. Thank you Kayla. I guess this is goodbye?"

"It is." I say hanging up.

After I hang up with Rae I get my notepad and I start to write..

The next day I wake up at 6:00am and I get myself ready for this performance I have to do. I decided I'm going to do this to get it over with. By 7:00am I'm ready.. But my song isn't.

"Kayla you have 20 minutes before we leave!" Karen yells in the hall

"Yeah okay." I say to myself

I decided my song is going to be called 'Almost is never enough'

At 7:15 my song is finished and it time to leave.

"Kayla what are you wearing?!" Karen says eyeing me up and down.

"This is what I want to wear to do my 'big' performance.

"Well whatever we have to leave now"

By the time we get to the American Idol set its time for me to perform. I'm actually pretty excited to perform one last time before I leave.

"And next up.." Says the presenter "We have Kayla Jones!"

Then the crowds starts to cheer and I wave to all of the people.

I sit on and wooden stool and I start to sing...

"And that was Kayla Jones singing her new song Almost is never enough! Great job Kayla"

"Thank you" I smile

"So what made you want to write such a song?" He says with a fake smile.

"Well.. My life and my relationships"

"Great song Kayla, truly great we can't wait to hear more from you soon!"

Then the crowd starts to cheer again.

Oh if they only knew...

"Thank you." I say walking off stage and going backstage to Karen.

"Good job Kayla!" Karen says giving me a hug

"So next week I have lined up-

"Wait. I'm not doing anything else. That was it remember." I say walking away "that was it."

"Okay fine Kayla!" Karen says chasing after me.

When we make it out to the parking lot I decided to tell Karen I'm enrolling at N.Y.U. She wasnt every happy about it at all since its so far away from California. But I believe I can mange. It's now August and next month I'll be leaving to go to collage. Everytime I get a break I'll make sure to vist Kassie, Nuckle head Kameron and Kyle. I'll miss them all. But I'm ready.

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