Now that its over, fix it with a drink.

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One week later...

After Ebony sobered up she found my things in Ryan and Wendell's dorm. I didn't want them back. I was feeling really sick on the first day of class so I had to keep going to the bathroom. Something I know Mr. Osborne didn't like. Last week was really ruff. I can't stand how immature Ebony and her friend Gina are. I talked to Kyle on Friday and he said he is doing better. He has a girlfriend now and he really loves her. Kameron is still trying to sing and Karen is there helping her.. Kassie hangs out with her friends more so I guess things are going good for them.

Right now I'm eating a turkey and cheese sandwich that Ebony brought back. We are okay now.. But I don't trust her. I haven't talked to Jamson in a while so we are meeting at his dorm later today

"Hey Kay!" Ebony shouts coming into the dorm "me and Gina are hanging out with some guys tonight.. Umm do you want anything before we leave?"

"What time are you leaving?" I say through bites

"7:00 we will be back at around nine-ish."

"Could you bring me some Advil?"

"Yeah sure. I-

Then Ebony is interrupted by her lovely boyfriend Ryan

"Hey baby" he says kissing her cheek. Ryan is the only guy I have seen Ebony with where he doesn't kiss her on the lips.

Her Other, other boyfriend Matthew must have moved on.. Or she's cheating on him like all the other guys she has been with.

"Hi" she squeals moving in to kiss him on the lips but he slowly moves away

Scratching the back of his neck like this is a awkward situation "Uh.. Ill see you later baby." He says exiting the room in the most awkward fashion


"Okay see you later!" Ebony calls out waving bye "he is so sweet." She breaths falling on the bed

"Okay.." I say picking up my book

"What do you mean, okay?" She raises a eyebrow

"Ebony." I start putting my book down "why do you go out with so many guys?"

"It's fun. My real boyfriend is not here so I want to explore. Plus Ryan treats me better."

"Did you tell your boyfriend back home this?"

"No.. But it's okay. We have a baby together so he really can't get angry with me" she says flipping her hair to the side "I'm young and I like to party. My boyfriend back home does not know how to do that."

I'm shocked at how she doesn't care about how this could effect her relationship and her child. But there is really not much to expect from Ebony when it comes to love.

She walks over to our dresser and picks up a tiny pink pocket mirror an starts putting on some lipgloss "So.." She starts "You and..Finn?"

"What about me and Finn?" I raise a eyebrow. Me and Finn are much better now. I feel like the relationship I have with him is great now and special..

"You too..have been seeing eachother a lot" she smiles

"And?" I say going back to my book

"Are you to going to move in together after college?"

She can't be serious

"Are you crazy? No!"

"Clam down I'm only kidding. I would never move in with Ryan. He's too into books and wearing hats.. And sometimes he smokes!" She say picking up her white plastic looking jacket

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