We are together now?

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So after a hour being here and not knowing where drunk Ebony and Gina are I decide to look around. A few guys are starring at me but I don't care. I really just want to leave.

"Hey!" Yells a drunk guy
I just ignore him

"Hey!" He yells again "nice tattoo! Got anymore?!" He says tugging at my shirt and I punch him in the eye.

I really wish I was not here.

"Want some?" Says a drunk blonde
girl holding up a bottle of beer with alot of eye makeup

"No thanks" I say walking away
Where could they be?!

"Kayla! Kayla?!" Yells a mans voice

What now?!

"Kayla! There you are!"

"It's you!" I say in shock looking at the guy I talked to early who gave me a cigarette

"Yeah it's me. What are you doing here?!" He says over the loud music

"Trust me.. It's not what it looks like!"
"It looks like your lost" he says taking my hand upstairs

Oh no.. Im going to die.

"Let go of me!" I scream

"Kayla listen!" He says holding my shoulders "Ebony and Gina left."


"Your lying!" I yelling trying to get out of his grip.

"Please listen. They left you." He says looking into my eyes

They couldn't have.. Why would they do such a thing I thought we were..ugh never mind

"Well what am I spouse to do!" I yell tears starting to form in my eyes.

"I'm not sure." He says looking down "you can stay with me" he says smiling

"No!" I yell "I'll never stay with you I don't ever know you."

"Well for starters my name is Finn"

"You're Ebony's boyfriend!" I yell louder

"I guess I am.. I'm not really sure." He says

"Let go!" I scream

Soon Finn takes me into one of the rooms and locks the door.

"Let me out of here!" I start to cry

"I really like you." He says looking at his black boots

"You don't know me." I say looking at the wall sobbing

"I do. I know you're a singer."

I forgot all about that...

"So what?!" I yell. Tears steaming down my face

"I know your different. You're beautiful and you have talent."

"Whatever." I says looking at my hands

"I'm sorry about holding your wrists.. I just really like you."

I look up at him and I don't know what to believe.. I've been with quiet a few guys before and I really thought Rae was the one.. I don't know.

"Well.. Fine." I say wiping my tears away

"So you like me back?" He says with a hopeful smile "I came here after my mom died a few months ago."

"Really?" I say in shock

"Yeah. He says sitting on the bed. I wanted to do something better with my life. And for my brothers" he says looking away

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