Chapter 9

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August 31, 2019

Hannah POV:
Next week is supposed to be my due day, but something feels off about today. This little guy has been kicking like crazy. Caleb is at work and Haley is still with me. When it starts getting to hard to handle, I call Caleb. When I was about to hang up my water broke. He told me to call the girls and have them bring me to the hospital and that he will meet me there, because his work is half an hour away and the girls were only a couple minutes away. I called the girls and they were here within minutes, shorter than I expected. They rushed me to the hospital along with Haley. When we got there they put me in a room. Emily stayed in the waiting room with Haley and the rest of the girls stayed with me. Within minutes of that Caleb arrived.

Caleb: Hannah, How are you feeling?Hannah: I'm okay... Nothing I haven't felt before. Caleb, what are we supposed to do we don't even have a name.
Caleb: When we see him we will see the perfect name.
Doctor: Your only 4 centimeters, which mean you won't be able to push for another hour or 2.
Hannah: Can Haley come in until then?
Caleb: Sure, I'll go get her....

ona: No, Caleb you stay here with your wife and I will go get her and Emily.
Aria: I wish I could experience this.... Hannah: Why it hurt like torture?
Aria: Han, for the experience at least.
Spencer: She makes a good point.
Haley: MOMMY!!!
Hannah: Hi baby!
Haley: Mommy wat wong?
Hannah: Nothings wrong.... It's just that your brother might come soon.
Haley: Mommy?
Hannah: yes?
Haley: How baby get in der?
Hannah: um........
Spencer: When people love eachother for a long time, God puts a baby in your mommy with magic.
Haley: Reay daddy?
Caleb: Sure baby?

3 hour later

Doctor: Okay Hannah push!!
Hannah: Look what you did to me Caleb.

Caleb: Hannah calm down
Hannah: I won't calm down because this feels like A torturing me all over again.
Caleb: It's almost over
Doctor: One more push and he's out
Caleb: Hannah he's beautiful.
Hannah: Our new baby.... His name is Ryder.
Caleb: I like it.

Ryder Tyler Rivers
Born on August 31, 2019
7 lbs. 8 ounces

Hannah POVRyder has my eyes and Caleb's hair

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Hannah POV
Ryder has my eyes and Caleb's hair.  He is such a bundle of joy that brings a lot of happiness to our growing family. Haley is going to love her new baby brother.

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