Chapter 5

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July 1, 2019
2 weeks after Scarlett and Jackson's Birth
At Mona and Mike's apartment
*Mike is at work... Mona has the day off*

Mona: No..... I can't be!!!

*Mona calls Aria*

Aria: Hello?
Mona: Can you come over please?
Aria: Sure.. I'll be there in 10 minutes... I'll drop the kids at daycare.
Mona: Okay.... Bye!
Aria: Bye... See you soon!

15 minutes later

Aria: Sorry it took so long... The kids didn't want to go to to daycare..
Mona: that's okay.
Aria: now what did you want to tell me?
Mona: Aria.... I'm..... Pregnant!
Aria: OMG that's amazing!!
Mona: IDK if it is? What if Mike doesn't want to marry me anymore?
Aria: oh he will.. He loves you so much.... He tells me all the time of how he's excited to start a family with you. Trust me he will be so happy!!!
Mona: Thanks Aria!!
Aria: No problem...
Mona: I have an ultrasound in half an hour, do you want to come?
Aria: Sure!! The kids are at daycare anyway.... Mona, how far along are you?
Mona: 3 weeks
Aria: Did..... it happen after he proposed?
Mona:.......... Yes.....
Aria: Okay, well let's go get something quick to eat then we can go, sound good?
Mona: Ya

Went to get something to eat at the brew, finished with 10 minutes to spare, drove to the ultrasound place, waiting in parking lot

Mona: Aria, I'm scared!
Aria: It will be okay..... Are you ready?
Mona: Ya

Walk in to the ultrasound office

Mona: Hi...umm.........
Aria: Checking in for Mona Vanderwal.
Receptionist: Okay please fill this out and the doctor will be right with you.
Mona: Thank You!

6 1/2 minutes later

Doctor: Mona Vanderwal?
Aria: Lets go!
Mona: okay.
Doctor: Hello Mona, I am Doctor Anna Smith. But you can call me Anna. Who is with you today?
Mona: This is my sister in-law, Aria.
Doctor Anna: Nice to meet you Aria and Mona. Let's get started.... I'm going to put this gel on you and then we can see the  baby.
Mona: okay.
Doctor Anna: Well it looks like you have a healthy pair of twins!
Doctor Anna: Yes! They are heathy and are at a good size for their age... Come back in a month for another check up on the babies.... How many pictures would you like?
Mona:6 please.
Doctor Anna: Okay! Here you go!
Aria: Thank You!!!

Mona's Ultrasound

Back at Mike/Mona's house

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Back at Mike/Mona's house

Mona: Thank you Aria for coming.
Aria: No problem but I gotta go back home,  Ezra should be home soon. Hey, I got an idea you and Mike can come over for dinner tonight and you can tell him then. We can tell the girls know... I can SOS them and they will be here in like 5 minutes.
Mona: okay... I just really hope your right about Mike.
Aria: Trust me I am! I'm going to text them now.
Mona: ok

Aria's Phone

Aria: SOS @mona's
Spencer: Okay be there soon.  I'm bringing the kids.
Hannah: kk.  Me too
Alison: k.  Us too
Emily:OK. Ya

All 4 girls arrive within 10 minutes

Hannah: What's wrong?
Aria: Mona is.....
Mona: Pregnant.
Spencer: OMG YAY
Mona: ya.. yay..
Emily: What's wrong with her?
Aria: She thinks that Mike won't be to happy about it.
Alison: He will because he is about to marry the love of his life and start a family.... Just earlier than expected.
Mona: Thanks Guys. Here's a picture for you guys!
Hannah: Why is there 2 shapes?
Mona: It's twins!
Spencer: YAY
Emison: YAY

Dinner @Aria's
Ezra made....

Mona and Mike arrived here, we ate, and now we are relaxing in the living room, while the kids are playing in their playroom

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Mona and Mike arrived here, we ate, and now we are relaxing in the living room, while the kids are playing in their playroom.

Ezra: Are you guys excited to get married?
Mike: I am!
Mona: me too.
Mike: What's wrong?
Mona: I'm...
Mike: You're what?
Mona: pregnant.
Mike: Yay.... I've been waiting for this moments for years.
Mona: Your not mad about this?
Mike: Why would I be? We are staring a family. That is something I've always wanted to do with you.
Mona: Thanks Mike! And thank you too Aria, you are the best sister in-law ever.
Aria: Your welcome. I couldn't ask for a better person for my brother.

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