Chapter 14

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Aria POV: Today is the day we tell everyone we're expecting. I'm excited yet scared because I don't want to tell them then something happens to the baby. I also hope that the kids won't feel left out, especially Chloe. We are having a little cookout. The kids are playing, the guys are grilling, and us girls are talking. I'm going to tell them after dinner. We ate and now it's time to tell them.

A-aria h-hannah e-emily  s-spencer ali-alison m-mona

A- we have a surprise for you guys.
H-your adopting again?
Ezra-even better.
E-what is it?
A-we're having our own kid.
H-you are?
M-yay a new niece.
Ali- but how?
A-the Doctor said it was a 1in a million chance. I guess I'm that lucky 1%.
S- congrats Aria and Ezra.  Have you told the kids yet?
A-no, we're going to tell them later. I'm just afraid that Chloe will feel left out.
E-she won't.
Mike: congrats sis.
A-thanks Mike.
M- you know what, scarlett, jackson, juliana, alessia, Ryder, our twins, and arias newest one will all be in the same grade.
A-wow I never thought of that. Cousins in the same class. Biological or not.

Time to tell the kids

Ezra: okay guys mommy and I have some news for you.
Chloe: what is it mommy and daddy?
Aria: were going to have a baby?
Matthew: a baybe?
Ezra: yes.
Matthew: one o two?

ria: only one this time baby.
Matthew: boy or gurl?
Aria:we don't know yet honey.
Chloe: but what about me?
Aria: what do you mean honey?
Chloe: are you still going to take care of me?
Ezra: of course baby.
Chloe: will you still love me?
Aria&Ezra: of course baby, we will still take care of you, but you know the baby might need more attention, right?
Chloe: yes, I just don't want you guys to forget about me.
Aria: we won't.
Ezra: you are our daughter and you always will be.
Chloe: thanks mommy and daddy.

In the middle of the night
C-Chloe A-Aria E-Ezra

A-yes baby.
C- I had a bad dream.
A-come here baby, do you want to talk about it.
C-i had a bad dream that you had a baby, but you forgot about me, so I run away.
A- baby I will never forget about you.  You will have no reason to have to run away from here. You are safe here. And nothing bad will happen to you.
C-thank you for adopting me. You are my mommy and you always will be. But mommy will I ever see my real mommy again?
A- I don't know baby, maybe when your older, but for now we are focusing on this family and all of my children.

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