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Paper Plane #24,129 | sophmore year - college

This year our college has decided that we will be allowed to go home for Thanksgiving. Last year we were not. Logan begged and pleaded for me to come with him to visit his family. However, not without the promise that next time Thankgiving rolled around, he would be going with me to visit my family. I agreed to this only because he does not realize that our families live within minutes of each other.

While my parents must have been devistated, I was excited. I knew his parents and sister, but I was anxious to meet his cousins, aunts, and uncles. He says that he doesn't have a lot of family members, but that's okay with me.

Our families are back in Wisconsin; haven't moved an inch. His parents though, thought it would be fun to have us all go to this resort in California, where Logan and I currently go to school. It's kind of like going to the pool across the street and saying, 'why this is a great vacation spot.' It's practically in our backyard, but his family insisted. They didn't want to inconvience us with coming up to Wisconsin, even though it will be harder getting his entire family down in California.

I think it's funny how I'm the one telling Logan that he needs to remember to be normal when this is his family that we are visiting. (Well, they're visiting us, but its the same thing).

I am practically jumping for joy once we reach the resort we will be staying at. Logan and I walk into the hotel part, checking in. We get all of our luggage in our room in seconds; his family still isn't here.

Logan starting pacing again, which is getting aggravating. Why is he nervous? He's meeting his own family. Then it hits me. His aunts and uncles and cousins haven't met me yet. From what I know, they've never actually seen Logan with a girl in his entire life. This will come as an extreme shock to them and they'll be teasing him every second.

"Hey, Logan, it's going to be fine," I say smiling.

He ruffles his hair, leaning over the bed to give me a kiss. "I know. My family is just-I don't know...loud?"

"All families are loud," I say, with a laugh. "You've heard my family."

"Yeah, but mine is the kind that runs down the street in their diaper with their mom running after them screaming." Logan falls backwards onto the bed where I lay, staring at the ceiling.

I giggle. "Really?"

"They'll have so many embarassing stories about me, you'll probably die from laughing at all of them."

"There can't be anything as embarassing as all the stories your mom has told me," I reply.

He shoots up in the air. "What did she say? What has she told you, besides the unfortunate swimming pool and Grand Cayon events."

"Well, there's the first grade story -- I knew that already from being in the same class with you -- there's the time you thought you were a rat and you cried for an hour, the time you announced your sisters sneaking out of the house in the middle of church, the time you got bitten by the angry bees-"

"Okay! I think we get the point," Logan mumbles. "When does my mom find the time to tell you all this stuff? And what about you? There's plenty of embarrasing things you do!"

"For example?" I ask, knowing he won't be able to come up with anything.

"I don't know! But there's probably something."

I sigh, not wanting to get up from the bed. "You know, we should probably see if we can find your parents."

"But the door is so far away," Logan says, reaching his arm out towards the door.

"Lazy." I punch his arm.

He punches my arm back. "Well, you're slow."

I raise my eyebrows. "Is that a challenge?"

"It can be." He smirks.

"First person to the front of the hotel gets a back massage," I say instantly.

"Professionally or by the loser?" Logan asks.

I try to push him off the bed. "I happen to know people who give people back massages for a living, thank you very much. My mom happens to be one of those people."

"Are you sure you want to do this? I've gotta say, I may be lazy, but I'm fast."

"Oh its on," I say, nodding my head. "Ready? On your marks, ready, get set, go!" I bolt up from the bed, running out of the room. 

"Hey! HEY! Get back here Tess, that's cheating!"

"There were no rules about head starts," I yell behind me.

I can hear Logan bounding his feet against the carpet, trying to catch up to me. As he is about to pass me, I shove him into the wall.

"You are such a cheater!" Logan says laughing.

"I happen to think this game is very fair," I respond, continuing to pump my legs. I do not run. Ever. I am literally running out of breath here.

I am inches away from the door, before Logan picks me up and flips me over his back.

"PUT ME DOWN!" I scream, shaking my legs in fury. "THAT'S CHEATING!"

"There were no rules about picking up your oponents," Logan clarifies.

I grin; he used the exact reasoning I did.

"I think you owe me a back massage Tess."

"I think not," I whimper, refusing to accept defeat.

Then he starts to tickle me. I shreak, squirming more than before. A staff member from the hotel comes over kindly telling us to shut up.

"You're not going to throw a paper plane at me or something?" I ask Logan.

He laughs, pulling one out of his pocket. How does he do that!?

"Dont be ridiculous, Tess," he tells me. "I'm going to put it on your head. Its our thing."

"Totally our thing," I reply, with a superior smirk.

This is going to be an interesting Thanksgiving.

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