Kissing Tip: Go For Them All

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The kiss with Noah seemed to be never ending. We were so close to home, just a walk down the street and we'd be there. Everyone could see us and I was giving Noah a bad reputation by allowing him to keep this up. I hadn't pushed him off, and this poor girl that he was dating was going to feel betrayed. I didn't know that Noah was capable of breaking someone's heart.

Could I do that though. I mean, I know I can be a straight up bitch but I have my reasons. Can Noah be a dick to a girl who he is dating?

I dropped my hands from around his neck and used both to push him off me. His face was full of surprise.

"How's Abigail? I have yet to meet her," I said with distain in my voice.

"You can't seriously be mad at me. Did you expect me not to kiss you back? I love you, Ali!" He shouted.  We both held a shocked face before he began stuttering, "I..I used to love you. I.. I mean I love you as a friend."

"I'm not into you like that. We're old friends, Noah that's all. A kiss between friends doesn't mean anything, right?"

"Yes, Ali. Just friends, I didn't say we were more." With that he began to lean in to kiss me, but stopped right before he reached my lips. "We've always been friends," he whispered and stood back up.

"We're almost home, let's walk," I told him.


"Hey, can we talk for a moment?" Jace asked. The morning had been fairly quiet so far. I tried to talk to Hayley last night but after calling a couple times, I gave up. She clearly needed her space. Why? I don't really understand because it wasn't like I cheated on her, but maybe she has her own reasons. Maybe because I lied or she blames me for breaking her friendship with Noah.

"Sure, come in," I answered. He shut the door to my room behind him and sat at the edge of the bed. I had been up for awhile, but just playing games on my phone. I wasn't ready to start the day.

"I'm not a bad guy, you know?" He began. "I know you think you have me figured out but you don't. I want you to give me a chance. Go on a real date with me."

It wasn't what I expected to hear first thing in the morning. He seemed like a complete jackass when I first moved in.  But am I the jackass in this situation? I mean I've messed up my relationship with Hayley, I've screwed around with one of my roommates, and I've made out with my ex who I cheated on and he even has a current girlfriend.

"Was the water park not a date?" I asked smiling at him. It wasn't a genuine one though, more of a joke. He just gave me a defeated look though. "Kidding, gosh I didn't know you knew what serious was, Jace."

"Alexis Williams, go on a date with me. You might even enjoy it."

"I'm not interested in a boyfriend."

"Who said anything about a boyfriend, I said date. All I want is a fair chance. I'm really not a bad guy. Sure I like to have girls around, but other than that you don't know anything about me."

I guess that was true. I assumed a lot more than I actually knew about him. Well, what's the worse that could happen? He could fall in love with me. Maybe I'd fall for him.

"I'll go on one condition, don't fall in love with me on the first date. I know I'm pretty amazing and all but, just don't let it happen." I gave a jokingly smile and he just let out a laugh.

"I'll try my hardest to not fall for you, Alexis."

My phone began to ring and as I looked at it, Noah's name flashed on my screen.

"Hey I gotta take this, can you give me a minute?" I asked him. He got up and left my bedroom, shutting the door behind him. I pressed answer and as I raised it to my ear I could hear Noah on the other end speaking frantically. "Noah? I can't understand you please calm down. Talk slower. What's the matter?"

"Abigail, my girlfriend. She must have drove past yesterday because she showed up here in tears. She just kept going on 'how could I do that to her' and 'why' and 'who is she'. I just don't know what to do, Ali please say something," he pleaded. He was panicking so much, that I could barely understand him.

"I'll say something when you slow down," I responded, although I said it calmly. "Just blame it on me, it'll make it easier. Say I kissed you and you pushed me off. She can't really be mad at you if you pushed me off." I can take the heat from an angry girlfriend.

"But that's not what happened," he explained. Noah is a sweet boy, but could hardly tell a lie.

"I kissed you, that's the truth," I told him. "You were there, I kissed you first and that's all she needs to know."

"I kissed you back though."

This boy was stupid. "Noah, we're friends, it's not like anything is going to come from that one kiss. So don't ruin your relationship over something that's not going to happen. Be honest and lose her or be honest half way and keep her. It's not like we're getting back together."

It was silent on the other end of the phone for a while. Then finally he spoke, "okay. I gotta go talk to her. I need to go to her house and talk to her."

"She's not there?"

"No. She came over crying and then wouldn't let me get a word in edgewise and walked off. I didn't know what to do, so I called you."

"You didn't follow her?"

"Should I have?" I didn't need words to reply, he understood. "I mean I should have. I'll do that. I gotta go." And with that he hung up.

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