If Sablier Never Happened ~ Chapter 1

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Jack was walking down the street when he saw two young children. Normally he would have ignored them like the rest of the people on the street, but when he saw the flash of a red eye he decided to go over and see them.

"Nii-san, it hurts."

"I know, Vince. Stay still and I'll help you." Gilbert tries wiping a cut on Vincent's neck. "Why are you backing up?"

"Someone is coming towards us."

He turns around.


"Wait!" Jack slowly walked towards them. "I only want to talk."

Vincent quickly covered his eye.

"Gilbert. Help."

"Stay away from him." Gilbert stood in front of Vincent.

"You don't need to worry. I'm not going to hurt you. I'll take you to my home and clean you up."

Gilbert glared. "We've heard that before."

"But I know somewhere you'll be loved. Even with that crimson eye of yours."

Vincent clung tightly to Gilbert's shirt.

"Come with me." Jack held out his hand. "I promise I'll help you."

Gilbert looked at Vincent and hesitantly took Jack's hand.

"We still do not trust you."

"It's okay."

Jack lead both Gilbert and Vincent to his house. He snuck them into his room, cleaned them up, and gave them decent clothes.

"You two must be hungry."

They both nodded.

"I'll be right back."

Jack smiled at Vincent and left.

"Do you think the place he's talking about really won't mind my eye?"

"I hope so. I don't want to run again. Why did he cut your hair?"

"Because he liked my eye for some reason."

"He's very strange."

Jack returned with two plates. "Here is your food." He set the plates on a desk.

"Where is this place that is going to take us? It obviously isn't here." Gilbert sat with Vincent.

"I'll show you tomorrow. I'm going to talk to them right now. Eat your food."

Jack smiled and left again.

"He really is strange."

"I know."

Jack had walked to the Baskerville manor.

"You have to be nice to the kids, Glen."

"Just because you found a child with a red eye doesn't mean he belongs here." Oswald rolled his eyes.

"I found them huddled on the street. The older brother was taking care of his younger brother. Apparently they were dropped on the streets because of the younger one's eye. Doesn't that sound like your story?"

"Strangely, it does. Bring the children here tomorrow and we'll see if they're fit to be here."

"Thanks a lot." Jack started to walk away.

"But don't get their hopes up. They might not be welcome here."

"I'll remember that."

When Jack returned to Vessalius household, he found Gilbert and Vincent asleep on his bed. He covered both of them and decided to sleep on the couch. In the morning, he quickly took them to the Baskerville manor.

"Well? Can they stay?"

Oswald was looking over a terrified Gilbert and asking him questions.

"They are perfect to stay. Their story really does fit mine." Oswald pulled Vincent from behind Jack. "Both of you need to come with me before we completely decide if you can stay."

"Will you like me even with my red eye?"

"Of course."

Oswald grabbed Vincent and Gilbert's hands and lead them away.

If Sablier Never Happened ~ PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now