If Sablier Never Happened ~ Chapter 8

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"If it's been a year, why do I still get tired?"
Oswald had been teaching Gilbert how to use Raven every day.
"Because you have a tiny body and it takes a lot more energy from you than it would from someone as big as me."
"I don't like it."
"I know. Now release as much power as you can."
Gilbert sighs. "Fine."
A massive amount of blue flames appear.
"Good. Put them away."
Gilbert stares at the ground and ignores Oswald.
"Gilbert, you aren't going to accomplish anything like this."
"I want to!"
Oswald grabs Gilbert's left hand and forces him to seal Raven.
"I have told you over and over again to not do that. You aren't going to open any portals."
"Why won't you teach me?" Gilbert whined.
"You're too young and apparently too irresponsible."
"But I want to know. I'm smart enough to do it."
"That means nothing. I'm not teaching you how to open anything."
"What's the worst that could happen?"
"You could lose control and get us all sucked into the abyss."
"I wouldn't let that happen. I just might burn a few things."
"I'll teach you after you have the Owl."
"But that's in four years."
"I know. We've been out here and practicing for almost four hours. Let's go inside."
When Gilbert gets in, he collapses on a couch.
"Sleep well."
Oswald threw a blanket over Gilbert. Gilbert mumbles something and covers his head. Oswald shook his head and went outside. He decided to see Alice.
"Alice? Are you awake?"
"Of course. I'm glad to see you."
"I'm glad I'm with the right Alice. How have you been?"
"I've been fine."
"Alice, I have a question about the abyss."
"What is it?" Alice sits by Oswald.
"What happens to the children of ill omen when they go there?"
"They stay inside the dark parts of the abyss until they are killed or die."
"Is there any chance of retrieving them?"
"I don't think so."
"Alright. Thanks. Is there something you want to do?"

Vincent was wandering around the manor, trying to find something to do.

"Nii-san is asleep and I can't find Jack. I'm so bored."
Vincent sighs and slides down the wall.
"It's sad the younger one doesn't know."
Vincent sat up when he heard the voice.
"Apparently, the other wants him to be as happy as possible."
"I would just say it and get it done and over with."
Vincent stood and walked to the voices.
"I can't believe he won't know for four more years."
One person noticed Vincent hiding.
"Perhaps we should continue this somewhere else."
Both walk away.
"What do they mean?"
Vincent runs to Gilbert.
Gilbert didn't move.
He still didn't move. Vincent began to shake him.
"Nii-san, wake-up!"
"Ah! What is it?"
"What don't I know?"
"What are you talking about?" Gilbert yawned.
"Two people said it's sad the younger doesn't know. What don't I know?"
Gilbert tensed a bit. Only one thought ran through his head.
'I need to tell him the truth.' "I have no idea what you're talking about." 'That's not the truth. What is wrong with me?'
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure."
"Good. I was scared you were hiding something from me."
"I would never do that."
"How are you doing with Raven?"
"Glen-sama won't let me open any portals."
"What if I help you?"
"No. Not you. What if something goes horribly wrong?"
"If I fall in the abyss, you can just get me back out."
Gilbert passes out.

"It was nice seeing you, Alice. Thanks for the information."
Oswald heads back to the manor.
"Convincing him out of trying to retrieve Vincent will be hard to do."

A guard looked into the room to see what Gilbert and Vincent were doing. Vincent was trying to reawaken Gilbert.
"Those poor, doomed children."

If Sablier Never Happened ~ PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now