If Sablier Never Happened ~ Chapter 11

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Gilbert had demanded Vincent always be near him even during practice. He was determined to stay with Vincent as much as he possibly could. After already inheriting two chains, and the fact Oswald was beginning to fall apart, no one questioned Gilbert when he said this. This was really interfering with Gilbert's training.
"Gilbert, it is dangerous to have Vincent here. What if he gets sucked into the abyss?"
Gilbert turned away from Oswald.
"What does it matter? He'll be thrown in, anyways."
"Gilbert, don't act like that. Don't you want him to be here as long as possible?"
"Yes. I do."
"At least make him wait inside. He can watch out the window."
"Vince, can you watch from inside in case something goes wrong?"
Vincent nodded and walked inside.
"If anyone falls into the abyss, I hope it's me."
"Gilbert, don't talk like that."
"At least Vincent will live that way."
"Gilbert, you are fourteen. You have to man up and do this. By the time I was fourteen, I had accepted this and was already trying to get over this."
"Your arm is bleeding."
"Do not change the subject. You have to do this whether you like it or not."
"I don't want to. It's a stupid thing to do. Why do I have to kill someone to become strong?" Gilbert crossed his arms. "I shouldn't have to prove my power by murder."
"As Glen, you have to help keep the abyss at peace."
"If the ceremony is canceled, there has to be a hundred cycles for the next Glen, correct?"
"If the abyss can wait one hundred years for another sacrifice, it can wait until the next Glen so I won't have to kill Vincent."
"Fine. I'll try to work out something with that. But you still have to practice opening the portal."
Gilbert sighed. "Alright. Have you ever tried going into the abyss?"
"No one tried getting in the abyss before. If they did, they didn't survive. Start practicing."
"Fine. I'll start."
After about two hours of practice and Gilbert almost falling asleep on the ground, Oswald decided to take Gilbert inside. Gilbert grabbed Vincent's hand and walked to his room.
"I think I know a way where you don't have to be thrown into the abyss."
"Really? That's great."
"Oswald said he would take care of it, but I know I'll have to deal with it."
"Oswald? Don't you mean Glen?"
"He's no longer Glen to me. He told me to call him Oswald."
"Alright. Are you sure you can get me out of this?"
"I'm 99 percent sure." Gilbert yawned.
"I should let you sleep."
"No. I can't sleep. I need to figure this stuff out. I know Oswald will wait to the last minute with this. I need to think of other possible solutions. I know the library has a lot of books in there about the ceremonies and the abyss."
"Is that why you've been in the library so much?"
"Yeah. I've been making plans. I have a lot, but it doesn't seem like any of them will work."
Gilbert grabbed a piece of paper, made it into a ball, and threw it at a small pile of other papers.
"I'm doing a terrible job at it."
"It's okay if you can't save me. I know you have to do this."
"Vince, I know you don't want to lose me and you know I don't want to lose you."
"You might change your mind."
"I won't. I promise." Gilbert yawned again. "I'm going to get you out of this no matter what it takes."
Gilbert closed his eyes and fell asleep.
"I'm not going to let you make any mistakes. If I have to be thrown into the abyss, I'll let you throw me in. I don't want to be, but I'll let you do it without any struggle. You'll be better off without me, anyways. I'll make sure of it."
Vincent laid next to Gilbert and fell asleep, too.

If Sablier Never Happened ~ PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now