1: The Fallen angel of unending misery

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" No please stop! Don't--!" A soul of a woman begs, but she was stabbed by the blade of a spear,

"Pathetic... If they're trying to beg, they should be at least trying more than just words.. " the angel that stabbed the woman in her heart, said,

The angel from heaven.. Now, the Fallen/corrupted angel of unending misery in the underworld,

" Soul, soul, soul~ who should I pick and torture for a trick?" The angel hums while playing her spear in her hands,

Then just on the opening of the underworld comes another group of 5 group of souls going to the lake of despair,

" Ugh.. This is obviously done by Phoenix again.. Ugh.. I'll let her see the sight.. " The angel said and spawned her black-purple wings and flew to the mortal world,

Saruna... The corrupted angel that tortures the soul in the underworld..

Has a demon killing spear as a weapon of her's,

One of the most strongest forbidden creatures who conquered and brought destruction to the world..

" Oi Phoenix! Get the hell down here now!" She called for one of the forbidden creatures,

The Phoenix that is embodied with fire and flames,

She symbolizes that exact creature, 

She has the power to spawn guns by her magic,

" What the hell are you doing here in my land Saruna? Is the underworld still small for you? " she asked, pissed off,

" Starting of my visit with a pissed expression? I just came here to check what are you doing sending some handful of souls down the underworld.. " Saruna answered while checking out Phoenix's land of flames,

" I was, just for something to do, Now, get out of my lands or I'll force you out. " Phoenix said spawning a Gatling gun, twice the size of her arm,

Like opposites, Phoenix and Saruna despises and hates each other and fights from time to time they have an argument,

" Be my guest, Phoenix" Saruna said, spawning her spear, already having the red magic glyph marks around it,

" You guys are fighting again... Do you know what happened when you 2 fought non-stop on Asurmaru's land? " Another forbidden creature appeared, groaning in annoyance.

The Vampire Queen of the Unholy..

" Oh hey Vamp Queen, looking good as usual I see? " Saruna snickered,

" Don't even try complementing.. Stop fighting you two or Asurmaru will be mad again.. You two know what happened when both of you wrecked her collection tower of dead bodies right? " The vampire said, sliding down from a wrecked pillar,

" Oh right~ Phoenix and I had to kill some more humans to build her collection again.. " Saruna remembered on a rather entertaining way,

" I'd rather do that than waste my time fighting this broken psycho.. " Phoenix said, lowering her gatling gun,

" Oh? ~ You're boring me Phoenix.. So you're saying you give up? ~" Saruna cooed,

" Yeah, right, Go to hell!!!! " Phoenix said and started firing,

" Here we go again.. " The vampire facepalmed,

While Saruna smirked and jumped high while giggling in a entertained way,

" I came from hell idiot..! " Saruna said and swung her spear to Phoenix,

Slicing the Gatling gun in half then disappears,

" Why you little--" Phoenix cursed and spawned a proton cannon,

" That's enough cat fight. "

Someone stood in between the two,

The demon of the forbidden creatures..

" Hey Asurmaru~" Saruna greeted with a chaotic smile,

" Stop fighting or face the consequences. " Asurmaru said, with arms crossed,

" Oho~ Scary.... What's the punishment then? " Saruna dared carelessly again,

" Silen--"

But she was cut off when a bright light from the heavens shone,

" ENOUGH!! "

It was the God of Heavens... The Creator.

" Uh-oh.. This is not good.. Did you really have to ask for the punishment Saruna? " The vampire said, preparing her swords,

Saruna just smirked them looked up in the sky,

" You creatures had enough on spreading chaos and destruction into the world, now begone!!Now you will live and be nothing more than a mere human!!! "

Then the bright light shone brighter than already is,

Then the forbidden creatures screamed as they disappear from the world they were in...

And transferred to the world of mortals...

[Saruna's POV]

Damn that arrogant god..

This can't be.. I can't be a JUST a mere human..

I hate it..

It's body and mind is weak against almost everything...

I have to find a way where I can get a living body and live with these abilities to start my reign again..

After looking for an exit, I saw a soul of a girl with white hair and scarlet red eyes. About to return to the mortal plain.

I have to get her...

*a light flashes*

" Mia..! Mia, no... "

" Wait..! Look..! H-Her eyes.. It's opening..! "

Mia's opens her eyes..

" Oh ,Mia!! I'm glad your alright!! " A man came by my side and embraced me,

I panicked and pushed him away with frustration,

" Stay away from me!" I said,

This body is weak after all...

" Mia, It's me, your Father, It's okay... We thought you were already dead but you're not.. It's okay now.." The man said, trying calm me down,

Oh.... So this girl's name is Mia..

Hm... Not bad..


Her name is Minamiya Motoki... 14 years old for now..

And she was trying to commit suicide just 6 hours ago?

Heh.. This girl ain't that bad..

A daughter of a wealthy family.. A pretty lonely one..

Hm. When she was committing suicide.. A guy was stopping her..

Heh, Love? This girl and that guy loves each other?


I'll make sure you won't remember him..

You're gonna start a new life starting today... You're gonna start an incoming terrible fate to this world...

An unending misery to all mortals..

But something is different with this girl..

She's... Not a mere mortal.

What... Is she?

" Ah, Sorry about that Dad..."


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