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" Long time no see, Mia. "

That was all I heard when I got up here on the rooftop,

" Hi... Nathan. " I said, my cheeks  being tainted pink.

He smiled and took a step to be in front of me,

" No hugs for me? " He asked, his arms open and preparing for a hug,

My mind turned even more confused.

" W-Why would I? I don't o-owe you one.. Baka..." I said, averting my eyes as I felt my cheeks heat up,

Then I glanced to him and his eyebrows furrowed,

" Something's wrong... " He muttured, setting his hands down.

I met his gaze once more, either one of us are confused about what's going on,

" What do you mean 'something's wrong'? " I asked, slightly backing away.

Then all of a sudden, he cups my cheeks and looks deep into my eyes.

My cheeks heated up even more, my heartbeat becoming even more faster, I can't move or even speak,

I just stared back to his gaze as he did what he was doing,

What IS he doing?

" Ohmygod, A reunion!! "

I heard a voice cheer from behind us,

Nathan and I both turn our heads and saw Anika, Audrey and Lilac by the door of the rooftop,

Audrey and Lilac was smiling excitedly while Anika looked worried, perhaps.

" Guys, What are y---" I was about to ask but they cutted me off.

" Nah, it's okay, Continue what you were doing, we're not gonna interrupt anymore.. " Audrey said, smiling everidiciously, backing away with Lilac and Anika.

A few seconds later, they went back down.

Nathan sighed.

I faced him and showed a confused look,

" What is it? What were doing earlier? " I asked, getting nervous every second.

He looked into my eyes once more, but this time, his eyes were loving.

" There's a lot of things to explain to you now, and I can't just tell them to you for a half day.. " He trailed off,

I don't understand anything at the moment..

At this very moment.

" I'll come by to your house tomorrow to explain all of it to you, So please be prepared. " He said, kissing my forehead before going back down,

I was left dumbfounded.

I sighed in confusion and walked to the edge of the rooftop, holding unto the railings that stood be from going to the very edge.

What's happening..

I fell like... I don't have all my memories..

But how can that be? No such things is possible..

As I grip unto the railings, my head ached and showed a vision,

I was holding unto the edge of a building, no, holding someone's hand to prevent me from falling,

It was a guy with white hair and green eyes, and he looked horrified and anxious to get me back up,

But a few seconds later, I fell from his grip.

With that, my mind for back to reality,

I shook my head in disbelief of what I'm seeing earlier,

This can't be right..

I feel like I know that guy..

And how come Nathan knows where my house is!?

" Mia! "

I heard my name being called from behind me,

I turned around and saw the other 3, waiting for me with their bags with them, Anika was also carrying mine.

" Let's go, The teachers said we only have a half day class, C'mon, Let's go home!! " Lilac cheered, grinning.

I smiled weakly and got my bag from Anika, then we started walking down to exit the school and finally go home,

" So, Did you and Nathan kiss? "


Little did I know...

That my world changed in that very day.


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