Today has been a great day. It's 9:30 PM and my parents just went to bed. I am heading to my room right now. Tomorrow is Tuesday, so my parents will be at work again. They both work Monday - Friday. My mom starts work from anywhere between 7:30 AM and 8:00 AM and gets off work from anywhere between 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM five days a week. My dad starts work usually around 8:00 AM and gets off work from anywhere between 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM. However, they do not work at the same job or location. My mom works at a daycare. She does not own the place but she is the main person in charge. My dad works at a doctor's office where they specialize in many different types of medical care. He works in the records department there.

Now that I am in my room I am looking at my cell phone and I notice I have a text message. It says it is from Rustle. I am opening the text message to read what he said.

From: Rustle


Hey Lea. I hope you made it home okay. I'm at home and I just wanted to say that I had a great day today.

He sent me that message earlier around 8:00 PM, but I hadn't checked my phone. I'm going to reply back now so he doesn't worry that I didn't make it home and also, because I told him earlier today that I was looking forward to him texting me later. Also, I don't want it to seem like I didn't get his text message or that I don't want to talk to him. Plus I actually really want to talk to him.

To: Rustle


Hey, sorry I didn't text you back earlier. I just checked my phone and saw you sent me a text message around 8:00. I haven't really looked at my phone much since I got home. I made it home safe and sound, by the way. I've just been hanging out at the house. I ate supper earlier with my mom and dad, then my dad went to watch the news. I talked to my mom for a little while. Don't worry though, I didn't tell her about meeting you and about us hanging out today. I just told her that I went to Jerry's and rode my bike around today. That is actually true. I'm glad you had a great day, today. I had a great day, too.

My text message to Rustle was just sent. I'm lying on my bed just thinking about how crazy it was that I fell off my bike, met Rustle, had some food with him, got to know him a little bit, hung out with him at his secret thinking place, had my first kiss, and even walked just about all the way home with him. There sure were a lot of things that happened today and they all happened rather fast. On that note, I don't even care that they happened rather fast. I actually like that. God sure had a plan for me and he sure did want me to experience those things today, which are the start of the path that he has set up for me and wants me to take. It sure was an out of the blue experience for me, but God knew what he was doing when he let everything happen today.

Rustle just texted me back and I am going to read his text message now.

From: Rustle


Lea, I figured you were probably eating supper and hanging out with your parents when I texted you but I wasn't sure so I went ahead and sent you that text anyway. I wanted to make sure you made it home safe and I wanted to let you know that I had a great day today. I'm glad you made it home safe. You should know that if you weren't safe, then I'm sure I'd know that and I would do everything in my power and would take everything in me to make sure you would be safe again. It's such a good thing to know that you are safe. Also, it's nice to know that you had a great day, too. You're still keeping things between us a secret right? So, what did you have for supper? I had broccoli, carrots, and baked pork chops.

Wow, I can't believe this. There is actually a guy out there who cares so much for me and about me. I guess I can truly say that I have been blessed by God to have met Rustle. I can't believe that he would actually give his all to make sure I am safe if I am ever not safe. I mean, I feel it in my heart that he would but that is just really surprising to me. Really, what can you say to something like that? That is literally the sweetest thing any guy has ever said to me. Of course, I have never even been asked out by a guy before Rustle. He is such the sweetest and most incredible man ever.

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