Now let's start at the feelings. About how I feel about what really happened and happens.
I think I would feel really happy and cared about if and when I get a boyfriend. A first boyfriend to a girl, is like trying something different for the first time and either liking it or hating it. If a girl doesn't think the relationship is going anywhere she's probably gonna end it. But sometimes the girl or the guy is more into the relationship then the other one is.
I think that my first kiss is gonna be a very special thing. Because only once in a life time you have your first kiss. Some people say that their first kiss was either: amazing or horrible. I just think deep down inside no matter who the person who steals away your first kiss does or will matter to you at some point.
A slow dance, I'm just saying is kind of stupid. But there is also, a twist in there. Cause, when a guy will ask you for your first slow dance, it's more then just, "Yeah, I just had my first slow dance and a guy asked me no big deal and all." I know it does seem kind of stupid but it's nice to know that someone want to dance with you.
Just let me say, when a girl really wants to talk to someone, she will try and start a conversation. But when, someone doesn't reply at all for a long time (like at least a week or more). She starts to get sad, but she also gets mad at them. For not saying that your busy or anything else. Especially when they read the text but don't reply.
I think if someone wants another person to answer honestly, then they are the ones who should say something like, "I do/ I don't like someone," and if yes then, "I just don't want to tell you right now (or never)." It's just easier if they would say either of those or something along the lines of it anyways.
I just think that something's that usually happen to some people. Don't happen to other people. For either a little bit of time or a lot of time. It depends on the person.
The Thoughts And The Truth
SaggisticaAll the thoughts I had of the future, and the truth that happened instead. Also about what my friends have gone through. Of course something's about me too.