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This chapter is about my family and what happened with them when these came across in life.

Let's start with my 2 sisters:

They both got their first boyfriend in about grade 6. They both had their first kiss before high school. They both dance a slow dance with a different guy that asked them to dance. They have phones but I don't know when they started to really text a guy. They both had a few guys tell them how he felt about them. That's it for my sisters.

Now my brother:

He has had a girlfriend I don't know when he got his first one. He has had his first kiss. I think that he asked a girl to dance for a slow dance. He does have a phone but I don't know when he started to text a girl. He did fall for a few girls even my sisters friends (I

think). Well that's it for my brother.

I'm not gonna do my parents or anyone else, maybe next chapter I will describe my friends and their boyfriends and more.

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