coloured lights

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my friends and i stood in a circle, avoiding the main clump of students who, in our opinion; are filled with just really insensitive and mean people.

but you're not. you're different from them.

my friends are now witnessing me on the verge of a mental breakdown. i couldn't stand still because the thought of seeing you here, is just making my heart swell and my stomach do acrobats or perhaps, butterflies in my stomach.

the teacher is passing us the tickets for us to enter this small little concert that lasts an hour and a half.

you were going to be late. would you be here? I mean I asked you earlier this morning in school. It's almost 8pm, we have to get in soon.

My friends and I took the seats furthest away from the entrance. but that's where i kept my eyes, anticipating your presence.

and then you entered with two other friend of yours and you eyed our area which was also where the other students were seated. being close with them probably didn't appeal to you, so you sat on the seats nearest to the entrance.

dang it.

i looked over at my friends desperately and they seem to know what i'm about to say. there was only about 30 seconds left before the concert starts. we stood up and ran acrossed the studio.

you had the most confused look plastered on your face. i didn't know where to sit.

my friend pointed to the seat next to you vigorously. in the heat of the moment, i collapsed onto the seat, and the others followed suit and sat on my right.

i managed to breathe out a greeting and smiled. you smiled back.

the lights dimmed. the show was about to start.

i bit my lip, feeling over the top ecstatic having to sit with you. from my hindsight, i could see you looking down at me with that sweet small smile of yours, which made me smile bigger.

you nudged and whispered a joke which resulted in me shoving you away playfully as we laughed quietly.

my heart was beating wildly.

and at one part, as the lights turned indigo and violet, we made eye contact and smiled at each other.

you look beautiful under the coloured lights.

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