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"Explain!" General Star growled.

We all stood in the Orbital's cabin, still armed to the neck in weapons and defense. End had retreated when I revealed myself, knowing he would have to change tactics now. Apóvli̱tos—no, Siren stood at the head of the table we had all gathered round, analyzing us all thoroughly. His head gave a slight nod in agreement, waiting for us to sit down in the newly made chairs. Only when we all sat did he begin with his tongue of fire.

Ariel's planet was dying. The council of Twizne agreed to sacrifice their planet in order to get Ariel into End's ranks. She joined him about twenty years before it was destroyed to not cause suspicion. What she said in the jail was not true, it was all an act, including some of my actions afterwards.

"Why would you pretend around us?" Snake asked, offended.

I gave him an apologetic smile, but Siren didn't react at all. His harsh gaze settled on his ex-lover, studying him. Snake was still recovering from his time in captivity. Although it was only a few days for them, End slowed time for him. It's been a week for Snake, and he would feel it later. I worried about him, not just about his physical health, his mental as well. He seemed to forget about his relationship with his Commander, maybe opening new doors for women instead. Preferably this one.

Ariel warned me that End was planning to infiltrate one of my soldiers mind to find more information on us. I wasn't sure who it was, neither was Ariel, so I had to make sure you all didn't know anything. Ariel has everything prior to this battle on End's thoughts and actions. I personally vouch for her words.

All eyes turned to me, forcing me to react. I sat up straighter, and wiped the emotion I had off my face like Siren taught me to before he sent me to End. All his training coming back to me. They all wore uneasy expressions, but relaxed when Siren nodded at them.

"End is looking for his wife, like you all know." I began, my voice not wavering,"He believes her to be reincarnated in Siren, but has no evidence. End has submitted to a dark madness taking over his mind, wishing to reap the happiness of his siblings in revenge for his lack of spouse. First the children, then each other. Unless we kill him, End will continue in the path he has forged. There is no alternate that I see."

"None?" Captain Ebony questioned me sharply.

I gave a quick nod of the head,"He must die."



I watched all of the Orbitals carefully. There was an aura of distrust among them as they viewed the Commander of End, but when they glanced at their Commander, the feeling disbanded. Then it happened again and again, over and over. It was quite amusing, but what intrigued me was the delicious specimen who still stood.

The Commander continued to observe his team silently, like his title proclaimed, just watching. He seemed to be ignoring the words coming from the purple haired girl's mouth, but when looked at uncertainly, he would nod his head in agreement as if he knew exactly what she was talking about.

My brother and sister refrained from speaking, like me, and instead chose to watching quietly from the sidelines. Once the girl quit talking, everyone's head swiveled to face the Commander. He blinked twice as if coming back to the present. Commander Siren's head jerked up and down to dismiss us.

"What are we to do?" The golden eyed captain asked Commander Siren.

Eat, train, and prepare the camps for battle.

"What about you?" The female General's strict voice questioned.

Ariel, Snake, you, and I will strategize after I do a perimeter check.

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