1. Projects

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His precious giggle filled my ears, distracting me from this boring science class. He was talking to a kid named Alan behind me, and they were giggling and trying to hush.

He was so perfect.

I sat in front of Vic Fuentes in this class, and boy does he make it hard to get work done. His giggle, his whispers, and the way he talks to Alan.

And yes, he drove me- Kellin Quinn- insane.

"Class, for your next project you'll need two partners," My teacher said, everyone instantly looking around for friends, "And I'm making the mistake of letting you guys chose your partners. Go ahead and chose before I continue."

I looked around slightly to see everyone immediately go to others to where everyone had a group of three.

"Mr. Quinn, are you with Fuentes?" She asked.

Everyone turned and looked at me. My cheeks flushed lightly, and I slowly turned around to see his white teeth.

He was smiling and nodded, he moved his chair over and patted the table. He was so precious.

"Uh, yeah," I said, grabbing my stuff and sitting next to hit.

I put my stuff down and got bored of her explaining to project. My eyes began to wander around the room before my eyes fell on Vic's lap.

He had a pastel pink mini skirt, with a white sweater crop top, and white thigh highs and pink flats. His thighs were rather large for his smaller frame.

"Alright, does that sound good, Kellin?" His sweet voice filled my ears, snapping me out of trance.

"What?" I asked quickly, blinking myself awake.

"Were you paying attention?" He asked, tipping his head.

"No, I.. I'm sorry," I said, clearing my throat slightly.

"That's okay," Vic said smiling, "I'll explain it to you later."

"Okay," I said.

"I'll do the research paper part, and you guys can do the artistic part," Alan said smiling, and taking his part of the project.

"Um, okay. I'm not the most artistic," I said, playing with my backpack.

"That's okay," Vic beamed, "I'll help you out. When do you wanna start working on the project?"

"Umm, whenever," I said, shrugging.

"How about Saturday?" He said.

"Yeah, that sounds good," I said.

He nodded and began to write down a few things in his notebook with a baby pink pen.

We talked for a little more and then the bell rang and we all collected our stuff and I began to walk out of the classroom.

"Wait!" Vic called, prancing next to me, holding a book to his chest with a smile, "Isn't your next class Ms. Simon's?"

I raised my eyebrow before slowly nodding.

"Sweetness, can I walk with you?" He asked, smiling wider.

My heart melted when he said 'sweetness' so I couldn't resist nodding. He nodded and walked next to me.

I never really noticed how short he really is compared to my lanky body. Every two steps for him was one step for me, which was adorable.

We walked to my class and had casual conversations about our schedules, classes, and the project I have no idea about.

He sat down next to me and smiled.

I chuckled and set my bag down, and propped my chin on my hand.

"So Kellin, your boyfriend wouldn't mind right?" He asked.

I stopped and looked at him, "Wait, what?"

"Your boyfriend wouldn't mind you're coming over on Saturday, right?" He asked, sounding worried.

"What boyfriend?" I asked, feeling confusion wash over me.

"The.. the tall guy with the dark hair," he said slowly.

"Oli?" I laughed slightly, "He's not my boyfriend, he's just a friend."

Vic's cheeks instead flushed a bright pink, and he looked frantic for a second.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know.. I.. I thought.. I..," he started stuttering nervously.

I chuckled and smiled, "You're fine, cutie."

He blushed darker and slowly nodded.

"So.. Saturday?" He asked, quietly, attempting to regain his voice back.

"Saturday for sure," I said, smiling.


I sat with Oli at lunch and he just got his lunch, which he probably wasn't going to touch.

"So guess what," I said, smiling.

"What?" He asked, not caring to guess.

"I'm going to Vic's on Saturday," I said, trying not to sound too happy.

He looked up at me with a smirk on his lips.

"Oh, so you're going to Vic's? The guy you're head over heels for?" He asked, chuckling at the end.

My cheeks burned lightly, "Um no."

He raised his eyebrow, "So you're going over to hang out, study, or bang?"

"It's for a project, we're working on it together," I said, crossing my arms.

"A project?" He laughed, "A project that involves anatomy?"

I hit his arm and growled, "Shut up, he's too innocent for that."

"Innocent? He's in high school, there's no such thing as innocence in this hell," He sighed dramatically.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled, "Well, I think he might be innocent and if not then I owe you five bucks."

"Got it," he said with a smile, "You'll be paying me five by Friday."

"Bet," I said, shaking hands.

I'm so keeping my money, I mean come on, it's cute little Vic.


This sucks already but oh well, I'm writing this and a bunch of other ones and such. I hope you try to enjoy :)

Thank you so much for taking time to read this

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