4. Lips, Hips, and Splits

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"So, now you do you understand it?" He asked, closing his textbook and looking at me.

"Yeah, thank you again for reading it to me," I said, smiling.

"It's okay, I don't mind at all," He said, his pretty pink lips stretching into a smile.

My eyes couldn't help but look at his beautiful face structure. The way his eyes lit up when he spoke, or when he would scrunch his nose slightly when concentrating, or when he bit his lip in thought.

Oh, those pink, plump lips of his.

I wish I just just kiss and bite his damn bottom lip. I blinked myself out of my thoughts when Vic was looking at me worrying.

"D-Do I have something on my face?" He stuttered.

His hand quickly went to his face as he used his sweater to wipe off his cheeks and his mouth.

"No, sorry, I just was looking that's all," I said, not really knowing how to piece my words together.

A pink tint rested on his face, "Looking? At what."

"You." I blurted out, biting my lip nervously.

His cheeks burned brighter, "Me?"

Slowly, I nodded.

"What about me? Why?" He asked slowly.

"You're... Pretty and uh... Uh..." I stuttered out, trying to find something else to talk about.

"Pretty? You think I'm pretty?" He repeated, a smile growing on his pink lips, and a light blush resting on his cheeks.

I nodded, scratching my neck nervously.

"Well you're not so bad either," he mumbled shyly, a giggle following his words.

"What?" I asked, trying to tell if he's serious or not.

"Well, if we're being honest you're very attractive," he said, another giggle and his cheeks turned a brighter red.

I chuckled and teasingly nudged him with my elbow, "Oh really? Is that why you gave me that show downstairs?"

I laughed as he squealed and blushed a darker red.

"I-It was an accident! I totally forgot!" He whined, pouting slightly.

I chuckled, "Don't pout. Now, show me what we're doing, princess."

"O-okay," he stuttered out and began reading me the directions.

I actually listened this time, but once again my eyes remained on his lips. They were just so plump, and beautiful.

"So, do you understand now?" He asked, looking over at me.

"Yep," I said smiling.

"Good now come on," he said, smiling.

He stood up and quickly pulled me up out of my chair. I chuckled and stood up and watched as he grabbed his little tape measure.

"Should you be the model or should I?" He asked.

"What ever you think is easier," I said.

"Do you know what you're supposed to do to the model?" He asked.

I can think of quite a few things I could do to the model, I thought darkly.

I shook my head slowly.

"That's okay," He said, smiling, "Stand up."

Slowly, I stood up and he stood in front of me.

"Stand in the anatomical position please," he said.

Slowly, I spread my feet apart slightly and held my arms at my sides, and moved my palms outwards.

He got on his knees in front of me, and put the beginning on the tape measure underneath my foot. His eyes flickered up at me, and he smiled innocently.

I bit my lip, attempting to stay calm and not get worked up. He stood back up and held the tape measure up to my head.

He stood on his toes to see what number I stopped at. He nodded and went back to his desk and wrote something down.

"Kellin, how much do you weight?" He asked.

"140," I said, staying in position.

"Really? Wow," he said.

"Wow what?" I asked.

"Oh nothing.. you look lighter than that," he said, "You can come sit back down now."

"Oh really? How much do you weigh?" I asked, sitting back down next to him.

He blushed lightly and shrugged, "Maybe 115.. I don't know."

"Really? I thought you'd be heavier with an a-" I stopped myself and pretended to cough a little.

He looked at me and tilted his head, "A what?"

"I thought you'd be heavier as a person of your height, but I still think you're perfectly fine," I said smiling, praying he bought my bluff.

Slowly he nodded, hopefully buying it.

"How tall are you?" He asked.

I answered with five foot five, because I'm too lazy to do the math of five foot with four and ¾.

He nodded and wrote that down as well, "Alright."

"Hey Vic, I have a question," I said, letting my eyes wonder around the pink room.

"Hmm?" He answered, setting his pencil down.

"I'm just wondering, do you have a boyfriend?" I asked.

He giggled, "No, I don't."

"Really? That's shocking," I answered, slowly looking over at him.

"How so?" He asked, crossing his legs.

"You're just funny, and likeable, I thought you'd have boots crawling on you left and right," I said, chuckling lightly, attempting to hide my awkwardness.

His cheeks burned pink, "O-oh my.. well, thank you. I never saw myself like that before."

"Well, I'm glad to give you a different perspective," I offered, smiling.

"Thank you, I mean.. I wouldn't mind. I usually get really yucky old men on the internet trying to message me," he said, picking back up his pencil and doodling slowly.

"Ew, I'm so sorry," I said.

He shrugged, "Eh, I've had a few tell me they were for gymnasts and yeah.."

"You do gymnastics?" I asked.

He laughed, "Of course I can."

"Woah, really? Can I see you do the splits or something?" I asked.

I've never seen a guy be able to do to splits unless it's on TV.

"Sure," he said getting up.

He adjusted his skirt and ever so slowly, I watched his legs spread and he slid onto the floor. He looked up at me a smiled.

"See," he said."

I felt my jaw drop ever so slightly and suddenly my pants became tighter than usual. He ever so gently bit his bottom lip as he looked up at me.

He got back up and with his best attempts not too flash me, but failed. It was getting warm in the room.

He giggled, and sat back down, "It wasn't the best... Hey, are you okay?"

I apologise, I have no idea what this was or anything, I'm sorry

But try to enjoy it and have a wonderful day :))

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2017 ⏰

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