Study Date?

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"Hey Ni." I say, intertwining my fingers with his as we walk out of the classroom.

"What's up beautiful." He says kissing me on the cheek.

"Do you want to come over today?" I ask.

"I can't. Have to work on the project with Brittany." He says, sighing.

"I wish we were still sitting together. So you didn't have to be partners with that witch." I say.

"She's not that bad." He says, looking at me like I just punched him.

"Whatever. I have to go. Call me." I say, dropping his hand. Great. He's defending her now.

When I got home I did homework. Then I checked my phone and realized it was already 4:55.

"Shoot." I muttered and grabbed my keys and drove to Cody house. I rang the doorbell and saw Cody emerge from the living room. He opened the door.

"Hey. You look great!" He says. What? I have a boyfriend! I step inside and sit on the couch.

"Hey. So what exactly are we doing on our project on?" I ask, blushing as I realize I never pay attention.

"The Civil War. We have to make a diorama of a part of the war." He replies, taking a seat next to me. A little to close for my likeing.

"Ok. Let's start." I say. He nods, and pulls out some card board. We work for about an hour. It looks really good. He even had little tiny people to use.

"It's perfect. So what now?" I ask him.

"I've got an idea." He says.

"Ok?" I say. All of a sudden he kisses me. I try to pull back but he has his hands around me.

"Stop!" I say through the kiss. He either doesn't hear me, or doesn't want to. Then he kisses harder. I shove him off.

"What the heck?" I yell. Then I slap him and run out.

I start the car and drive home. What just happened? What do I do? What do I tell Niall? Yes! That's what I should do... Call Niall.

{Niall's POV}

I was 5:50 and I was just about to leave for Brittany's house, when I got a call. I picked it up,

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hey Niall. I'm sorry, but we can't meet at my house. Could we possibly meet at yours?" Brittany asked me.

"Ya sure." I reply.

"Great, see you in ten." She says, then I hang up. I grab some paint and cardboard and set it on the table. I have a bag of mini people for the scene, but we have to work on the background part. I get the rest of the stuff ready. Them the doorbell rings. I go open it. When I do Brittany is standing there, in a crop top and incredibly short shorts.

"Hi." I say. Looking at her outfit.

"Hey Ni." She says stepping in. I lead her to the table and start to work. We work on the background and set things up. We are done in about half an hour.

"I think it looks great, what about you?" I ask Brittany.

"Perfect. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow." She complains.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I think there's something in my eye!" She exclaims. She stands up and walks toward the light by the door. "Can you look?" She asks.

"Ya." I say getting over and walking toward her.

"I don't see anything." I say, peering at her.

"Come closer." She says. I step closer.

"I still don't see anything." I say. There was definitely nothing in her eye. Then she pushes me into her. She starts kissing me. We'll more like making out with me.

"Stop. I have a girlfriend." I say but she can't hear me. I try to push away but she just brings me closer. Them the door swings open.

"Niall I- What the.....?" Riley says bursting through. I shove Brittany off me and look at her. She runs away, tears in her eyes and drives away.

"Finally some privacy!" Brittany yells, "Now, where were we?" She asks.

"Your disgusting! Don't touch me ever again!" I yell pushing her away. She storms out. What have I done? Will Riley believe me if I tell her the truth? What I'm I going to do?

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