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Hello beatley people
L'altra volta vi ho parlato di frasi DEI Beatles, ma oggi saranno SUI Beatles
"If it hadn't been for the Beatles, there wouldn't be anyone like us around"
-Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin)

"When i first listened to their music i said 'Ah, there is nothing original here. It's another bare band'. I don't think i've ever been quite that wrong in my life"
- Dick Clark (Radio & Tv personality

"If it weren't for the Beatles, i would not be a musician"
- Dave Ghrol  (Nirvana- Foo Fighters)

"Everybody was influenced by somebody, but i think everybody was influenced by The Beatles"
-Alice Cooper (Musician)

"They were doing things no one else was doing. Their chords were outrageous. Everyone else thought they were for teenyboppers, that they were gonna pass right away. But it was obvious to me they had staying power"
-Bob Dylan  (Musician)

"The whole thing of The Beatles was, they made life more fun"
-Eric Idle (Monty Python)

"The Beatles were my favorite group. This is the nearest i will over get to being a beatle"
-J.K Rowling (Author)

"The night The Beatles first played the Ed Sullivan show... i never saw guys looking so cool. It changed me completely. I knew something was different in the world that night"
-Joe Perry (Aerosmith)

"I saw in speeches that a plausible a possible mission of artists to make people appreciate being alive at least a little bit. I am then asked who pulled that off. I reply 'The Beatles did"
- Kurt Vonnegut  (Author)

"There is no way i'd be doing what i do now if it wasn't for the Beatles.  I was watching the Ed Sullivan show and i saw them. It blew me away that these four boys from the middle of nowhere could make that music"
- Gene Simmons (Kiss)

"Whenever a Beatle song comes on the radio, i reach for the volume and turn it up, because i still haven't gotten enough of them"
-  Jerry Seinfeld  (Comedian)

"I fell in love with music through the Beatles. I still think there's never been a band as good as them"
-Adam Levine  (Maroon 5)

"Sgt. Pepper's lonely hearts club band is probably the greatest single album i've ever heard"
- Brian Wilson (The Beach boys)

"When The Beatles came around everybody freaked. They just loved the look. It really revolutionized how people dressed. It triggered in my mind to start a business"
-Tommy Hilfiger (Fashion Designer)

"I don't think anybody come close to The Beatles, including Oasis"
-Brian May (Queen)

"My model for business is The Beatles. They were four guys who kept each other negativity tendencies in check. They balanced each other and the total was greater than the sum parts"
-Steve Jobs  (Apple Inc.)

"I just think The Beatles were an Incredible, Incredible, Incredible group- talent in every direction. I loved them. The song they wrote will live forever. They sang so well, so beautifully, with emotion and fell"
-Richard Sherman (Songwriter)

"I took one look on the Ed Sullivan show and it was 'Fuck School, this makes it!' I memorized every Beatle song and went to Shea Stadium and screamed right along with all those chicks"
-Joe Walsh (The Eagles- James Gong)

"They were a great influence to us because the were songwriters, they broke a lot of rules and they created an artistic credibility in the pop music business, wich was never there before"
-Robin Gibb (Bee Gees)

"When i was a little colored girl, honest to goodness, i was the biggest Beatles fan"
-Oprah Winfrey  (Talk Show Host)

"They completely turned the world upside down"
-Phill Collins (Genesis)

"The Beatles were the 'on' switch to my life. I can't even put into words the impact they had on my seven year-old soul. John,Paul,George and Ringo changed the entire planet like no one ever will again! They are, and always will be the greatest band of all time"
-Steve Lukather  (Toto)

"I deciare that The Beatles are mutants. Prototypes of evolutionary agents sent by God, endowed with mysterious power to create a new human species, a young race of laughing freemen"
-Timothy Leary  (Psycologist)

"The Beatles were the band that made me realize it was possible to make a living as a musician. When i heard them, i said 'That's what i want to do"
- Billy Joel (Musician)

"The greatest band to ever walk the earth!"
- Ozzy Osbourne (Black Sabbath)

"But i learned from John Lennon and Paul McCartney and George Harrison that it was ok for us to write about our lives and what we felt... And to express ourselves. That we could be free artists and that there was a value in that freedom. And there was."
-Roger Waters (Pink Floyd)

"If Paul McCartney fell on the piano, by The time he picked himself up he would've written 3 songs"
-Donovan  (Musician)


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