arrogant!adult!Nico × autistic!Reader × engaged!adult!Maki

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→ dedicated to and requested by Ayako_Nanase and ZeNutellaBitch

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→ dedicated to and requested by Ayako_Nanase and ZeNutellaBitch

→ my sister wants you, ZeNutellaBitch, to know that she wishes your cousin the best of health for his/her entire life :> me included!


what kind of sweets do you like?

i love milk chocolate and any kind of milk sweet :>

disclaimer; the character you portray is not an actual representation of the entire autistic population. it is merely behaviour that i have observed from a close relative. this is not meant to hurt anyone.



  THE ALARM CLOCK rang loudly, startling Nico, who jumped out of bed faster than she ever had in a very long time.

  Groaning, she got up from the floor where she had landed as gracefully as a cow, and rubbed her butt.

  “Ouch...” She looked around, and noticed the time. “Oh gosh, I should have been awake twenty minutes ago.”

  Getting up from the floor, she rearranged her bed to a neater state, and stretched slowly.

  “Nico-chan. I prepared your breakfast.” You stood outside the door, a delicate hand on its frame.

  “Oh.” Nico dismissed you with a wave of her hand, and changed out of her clothes while you left to sit at the dining table.

  You had moved in with her just a month ago because she had to take care of you for the time being, due to the orphanage having no room for you.

  Hanayo had basically pleaded with Nico to let you stay at her house, but Nico had scoffed at the idea of keeping an autistic child.

  But after countless pleading, Nico finally accepted you — but she had no intention of taking good care of you.

  She had vowed to not look after any autistic child ever again after she had gotten fed up of you saying the same things over and over again.

  Nico stepped out of her room, and headed to the dining table, slipping on her pink sweater at the same time.

  “You have. Appointment. 12 o’clock. Late.” You muttered mechanically, a plate of pancakes in front of you, which you pushed towards your caretaker.

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