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Sasha: Awwwww thanks Hanji
Connie: * grabs Sasha * Mine!!!
Hanji: * backs away slowly *
Erwin: I can see it happening. What about you Levi?
Levi: I don't like it!
Hanji: Why not?
1. Sasha has a boyfriend
2. I know your straight Hanji
Erwin: How can you be so sure that Hanji is straight? she hasn't dated anyone in forever. Wait Levi did you date.....
Levi: Never mind shut up!
3. They barely know each other. Have they ever even spoken to each other apart from that one time when Sasha empaled a titans eye with an arrow?
Hanji: Ok we get it!
Sasha: It's ok Connie, I'm all yours. * kisses Connie *
Jean: Ewwwwww
Marco: * bitch slaps Jean *
Jean: I'll be good!

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