Chapter 3, Depression

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When Marshall looked to see who it was, he saw a husky with a suitcase. "Where are you going?" Marshall asked. Everest burst out crying into his arms. "Jake got transfered to Nepal and I have to go too!!" She cried. Marshall ears drooped and he gasped "You - your joking right?" Everest just kept on crying. Marshall then heard the door open to see rocky coming through the door, limping all the way. Then rocky cried and said "EVEREST, I LOVE YOU, I LOVED YOU FROM THE DAY YOU JOINED THE TEAM" Everest just went and hugged him. "Whatever I feel for you rocky, it won't matter anymore, since-" "I heard" Rocky interrupted. "But I need to know, I need to know if u love me back, for you I would come all the way to Nepal with you!" "Rocky I-" then they heard Jake "Everest come fast, it's time to go" Everest let out a sigh with some tears. Marshall went to everest, wiped her tears and said " Hey, we will always be with u here" patting his chest, where his heart is located.
This made everest cry even more. She tried to kiss marshall but realized that she was kissing rocky. Marshall looked away as he didn't want to watch. Rocky felt happy and relieved and he thought to himself "I know her feelings for me now" then Everest quickly ran away. Marshall tried to say something but still couldn't. Marshall just let down some tears fall down. Rocky then said "Marshall-" "I'm happy if she is happy, even it's not because of me, if she is happy with loving u, I'm happy too" Marshall smiled but deep down he was still depressed, sad, upset, he was crying inside. Rocky hugged him. "Thanks dude" "hey, dude is zuma's line" they both laughed.
(With everest, in the plane)
"I ran away without saying goodbye" she told Jake, "don't worry, it's fine" Jake said. "And I feel bad about accidently kissing rocky instead of marshall" Jake just laughed. "Don't worry, Marshall is a forgiving guy so he will forgive you" " yea I guess" everest replied.
2 weeks later
(With Marshall, in his pup house)
(Crying) "I couldn't say goodbye" *sniff* he cried
Then he heard rocky at the door
"I couldn't say it too" he said in a sad tone. "But marshall now we have to move on" " I Know rocky just that, I love her so much" "*sigh* I know marshall, I felt the same 1 week ago" Rocky said
"But how did u get over her?" Marshall asked " her blue eyes, her sweet voice, her beautiful face" "I just said to myself she is gone rocky, time to move on" "ok I'll try" Marshall said then rocky just smiled and left. Then marshall said marshall she is gone, time to move on. "What's this feeling, it's like something is missing, I know what to do! Rocky is wrong, if u truly love someone and that person leaves your life, u gotta say goodbye" Marshall said and he left to get his air gear and he took off. Ryder saw this and shouted "MARSHALL WHAT ARE YOU DOING" " I'M GOING TO SAY GOODBYE" Marshall shouted back and left. He took a GPS so now he knows how to get to Nepal. But suddenly his air pack ran out of fuel and he crashed in a town. A townsperson came and asked " are you okay?" " yea thanks" " howdy folk are you okay?" Said the mayor. Marshall said " I'm fine its okay, I just hurt my paw a bit. "Don't worry we have a doctor, the doc will patch u right up and ur jet pack can be fueled up at our fuel station" "Thanks alot" said marshall feeling grateful then their doctor showed up and wrapped up his paw and he got his jet pack, all fueled up.
(Jet pack or air pack)
"Thanks everyone!!! This means so much too me!" Marshall said
"why does it mean so much to u?" The doc asked. "It's because I didn't say goodbye to the one I love who's owner got transfered to Nepal". "Aww that's so nice" a townsperson said.
"Thanks for everything and goodbye!! Oh and wait what's the name of this town?" Asked marshall. "It's Cactus City" said the mayor. " No wonder I ended up in a desert" said marshall and left. Then marshall arrived at Nepal and didn't know where to start looking, then he remembered that everest was a snow pup and Jake also works at snowy Areas so he started by looking for a snowy area or something around. Then he remembered the name of everest and went to Mt. Everest and sure enough everest and Jake were climbing Mt. Everest. But marshall didn't know how to get to them. He can't climb, he is afraid of heights and he doesn't have any gear so he went to the shop and the shopkeeper was kind enough to give some climbing gear and some oxygen tanks then he used his jet pack to help alot. Then he caught up to everest and Jake who was resting for a while. Everest was so shocked to see marshall, all tired and breathing heavily. He said "I couldn't say goodbye everest" then Everest came and kissed him right in the lips. Then marshall just kissed back and everest broke it and said "I can't believe you came all the way here for me and oh yea back at the lookout I kissed rocky by accident, I wanted to kiss you actually" "why?" Marshall asked smirking. "Oh you know marshall, I love u" everest blushed "I love u too" Marshall said and he kissed her again. Jake was just sitting there feeling awkward. Then marshall said "I guess I have to go back now" feeling sad. "Climb mount everest with us and go!" Everest smiled. Then they all climbed mount everest together.
This chapter was much longer than my other two, those were around 300 words and this one is over 1000 words. Yeah I'm happy that I could write so much. Please leave suggestions in comments and vote plz. Thanks, I hope u enjoyed. xXTenzing2206Xx out~

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