Chapter 5, Rocky's Corruption

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"EVEREST NOOOOO!!!!!!" Marshall cried. "NO EVEREST, PLEASE GET UP!! PLEASE!!" He cried even more. Skye too was crying and the others had shed a few tears. Ryder told marshall to calm down, "we will take her to katie's. I'm sure she'll be fine" Ryder said in a sad tone. "O-ok *sniff*" Marshall said, calming down.
(Time skip till when they reach katie's)
*katie comes out of the clinic*
"So how is she??!!" Marshall instantaneously demanded. "She has memory lost" she said feeling sad. The pups gasped. "But she remembers quite alot for someone experiencing memory loss. She remembers all general knowledge she knows. She remembers how to speak and everything but- she doesn't remember anyone, not even her name, jake's okay but he has to rest" Marshall cried even more. "I couldn't ask her out for valentine's day" the dally sobbed. Suddenly all of them heard a scream from inside. It was everest's scream. Marshall ran towards her. He saw everest lying on the floor. With blood coming out of her feet. Marshall screamed and fainted. "Marsha-" was the last words marshall heard. He woke up to find himself lying down, next to everest. He blushed. Everest woke up. There was no one else around so he tried to talk to her. "Hey ever-" "WHO ARE YOU??? WHY ARE YOU NEXT TO ME??" she screamed. "HEY HEY hey calm down. I'm a friend don't worry"
Marshall calmed her down. "So um- you don't remember anything everest??" The dally asked. "Who's everest?" These words made marshall's heart sink. "You are everest, everest why did it have to happen to you??" "Oh okay thanks but what did happen to me?" Asked the husky "you were caught in a plane crash and you lost your memory, I was one of your- ummm" " I was your what?" "I was your best friend" he lied. "Oh okay, thanks for letting me know, bestie" she giggled. Marshall just gave a fake smile and said "come I'll introduce you to the others". "Sure!" Everest replied.
(Time skip till marshall introduced everyone to everest)
"So skye Is also my best friend?" Everest asked "Yeah" Marshall replied. "But what do you mean by also my best friend?" Skye asked. "Oh marshall here said he was also my best friend" everest said smiling "uhhh I need a word with you pups, alone. Sorry everest it's private" Marshall said. "sure take your time" everest replied.
(With the pups except everest)
"So what's with the best friend thing?" Chase demanded. "I just couldn't tell her that I loved her" the dally blushed. "Oh yes, this is the best chance to gt everest back" Rocky thought. "Uh pups I'll go keep everest company" Rocky told them. "Okay she might like that" Marshall said. "But you won't" Rocky thought.
(With rocky and everest)
"Hey everest!" Rocky said feeling excited. "Oh uh hey ummm" "It's rocky" Rocky chuckled. "Oh hey rocky" everest replied. "I just came to give you company" "oh okay that's sweet of you" everest blushed. "It's working" Rocky thought. " so I wanted to tell you that you are a pretty pup!" Rocky complimented. "Aww thanks rocky!" Everest blushed harder now. "Umm everest would you like to go out with me?" Rocky asked. "Sure, I would love to" everest replied. Little did both the pups know that a specific dalmatian pup was watching them.... crying.
Sorry for short chapter guys. Lots of homework from school. I'll try and update on the weekends. Thanks for reading.
~xXTenzing2206Xx out~

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