One After The Other

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This is chapter 7. I couldn't fit "chapter 7" in the title again 😂.
So marshall and everest were back together and they were living happily but one day, on Halloween, Marshall was busy planning for the best date and how to ask her out in his pup house and he was not going to the party that Ryder had organized at the city hall for a while. Chase went as a knight, Rubble as a pirate, zuma as a wizard, skye as a fairy and everest as a princess.
Everest was in a purple dress and she wore a tiara.
When everest entered the city hall, she noticed skye staring at Chase and thought "somehow I'm not suprised" but then she noticed that chase was staring at her, blushing. Red alert in everest's mind. Chase approached her "you look beautiful, everest" Chase coplimented her. "Ummm thanks?"Everest replied feeling awkward. "Can I talk to you in private?" Chase asked. "Okay" she replied.
(With chase and everest)
"Umm... so everest, what I was gonna say was that.... I think I'm falling in love with you" Chase said blushing a deep red and then everest said "I love you too chase"
"It's okay if you say- wait what?!!" Chase looked confused but was happy. Just then marshall arrived and he came as a vampire. He shouted "I'm here!" "Ohh why are you late marshall?" mayor Goodway asked him. "I had some work" he said, blushing. Just then he saw chase and everest coming out. "Oh hey eve! You look amazing, I mean you look so beautiful" he complimented her. "Thanks marshall, but stop flirting with me. can't you see that my boyfriend is here with me?" Marshall was confused. "I didn't ask you out yet and I wasn't trying to flirt with you-" "Whatever it is, don't call me eve or beautiful again, only chase can and once again thanks for the compliment" everest interrupted marshall. Marshall just yelled "WHAT IN THE WORLD JUST HAPPENED?" Skye calmed him down and said "I think she loves chase and chase loves her marshall" skye started crying and so did marshall. They both ran back to the lookout.
(In the lookout)
Both of them were crying on the couch. Marshall started "Skye, What should i do? Everest was the only thing i cared about in the entire world! *snif* i guess we have to move on" then suddenly marshall started getting mad, like really mad "But, WHY DOES IT ONLY HAPPEN TO ME?? AND WHY DOES EVEREST ALWAYS HAVE TO FALL IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE ELSE AND MAKE ME DEPRESSED AGAIN AND AGAIN AND-"
(After about 5 hours of "Again and again"s)
"Marshall stop" skye said tears dropping from her face.
"But why, just why?" Marshall burst into tears. Then he remembered karie saying "marshall, everest's memory could still be shaky and she might get mixed up with somethings so to fix that you just need to remind her of something related to that. Like if you have to remind her of you just give her a picture or you two or something" Then marshall ran to City hall.

Oops Cliffhanger. Anyways hope you enjoyed the story. I'm thinking of making a truth or dare story. You guys suggest if I should or not. Thanks for reading. Oh and skase fans (chase x skye) don't worry, Chase x everest won't Continue in the next chapter. 😉 BTW I actually changed the chapter and i removed Gandalf completely because i think that i was going to far. Anyway my world is finally slowing down a bit, so maybe i can start updating stories again.
~xXTenzing2206Xx out~

 Marshall X Everest. Their Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now