Chapter 8, Skase and Evershall

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A/N: Im very sorry for the late update, I had tons of homework but here is chapter 8, Enjoy!
Marshall ran towards City hall and he tripped along the way twice but it didn't hurt him. All that was on his mind was "Everest" only. He didn't even hear skye calling his name out over and over again. When he arrived at city hall, he shouted "Everest!!!!!" Chase and everest were dancing together. "Im busy here, whatever it is tell me later" everest shouted back. "Its an emergency!" Marshall shouted back. "Uggh make it fast" everest said while kissing chase and walking towards marshall. Tears formed in marshall's eye. "Everest, did you know that we were in love and we were happy together? Did you know that i came all the way till Nepal, just to say goodbye to you? Did you know that in a plane accident you lost your memory and i helped you get it back? Do you know that your memory is still shaky and you think that chase is your lover?" Marshall said nearly crying. "Whaaa???" Everest was confused. Then marshall showed her a picture of emthem together. "I-I don't understand" everest started shaking her head. "Its true everest" Chase came out of nowhere. "Even you?" Everest said. "I did love you and i didn't want to lose you but i realized that what i was doing was wrong and that there is another pup out there who loves me truly" chase said with his eyes getting watery. "Thank you chase" marshall said. "This will surely help her remember everything aga-" everest interrupted marshall with a kiss. "Whaaat just happened?" Marshall and Chase said at the same time. "I remember" said everest. "I knew it! Nice speech chase" marshall said to chase. "Haha its nothing. Now i got to look for the pup of my dreams, see ya later at the lookout, Bye" said chase to marshall and everest. "Bye" they both said and they started dancing.
(At the lookout)
"Skye!" Chase called out. "Ye-yeah?" Skye replied while wiping her tears. "What happened?" Chase asked her. "Well i just heard that marshalk got everest back and now im the only lonely pup" skye started crying. "Don't cry skye, your not a lonely pup because- umm" chase started stammering. "Because what?" Asked skye. "Because- Because when everest kissed me, i realized that i don't love her and i only love one specific pup that is- ummm- that is you!" Chase blurted out everything while blushing a super deep red. Skye gave a shocked expression then she kissed him. Chase kissed her back. Then chase said "ok so now everything is normal" "yea" skye said feeling relieved. "Lets go to the party" Chase told her. "Sure" skye replied and they left for the party. Soon marshall, everest, chase and skye noticed rubble and zuma dancing with different pups. They also noticed rocky just sitting there in the corner. "Look rocky's back" skye said. "I feel a bit bad for him now" said chase. "Even though what he did i still feel like he should be with us again" marshall said. "Sure lets ask Ryder" everest said. Then they went to Ryder and asked "can rocky join the paw patrol again?" They all asked. "Are you sure?" Ryder asked "yup" they all replied. "Ok call him here please" they all went and literally carried him towards Ryder. "Woah, what are you guys doing?" Asked rocky. Soon they dropped him infront of Ryder. "Rocky would you like to join the paw patrol again?" Asked Ryder. "Sure i would love too!" Said rocky. "Im very sorry marshall and everest for what i did" he said. "No problemo" Marshall said with a mexican accent. They all laughed and everything was normal once more.
I finally finished it! Ahhh feels good to finsish a chapter after such a long time. Anyway uhh i don't think i can update truth or dare today because i have to go to a picnic with my family ;_; im so sorry for the inconvenience and i'll update the truth or dare story next weekend. Peace ✌
~xXTenzing2206Xx out~

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