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Kimishita sat back up. No use moping around here, he told himself. Kiichi had called in sick. There was a good chance he was home. And if he was home, he could visit him and talk to him.

Slipping out of his pajamas, he slid on a shirt and pants, stuffed his phone and keys into his pockets, and marched towards the door, slipping on his shoes. He had to know where Kiichi was. He had to know why he had disappeared on him, once and for all.

Without giving himself the time to hesitate, Kimishita hurried down the stairs and left the house. He wanted to know– no, he had to know. He needed clarity on everything that had happened since last night. Even if the truth was uncomfortable. Even if it hurt. He needed to know.

Even if you'll just find out you ruined your friendship? Even if you find out he hates you?

Kimishita shook it off, clenching his fists. No. Kiichi wouldn't hate him for this. He couldn't. They'd had worse fights, and they were still friends. Were. Had been till now.

Kimishita hesitated. Had they really had worse fights? Could anything be worse than telling your closest friend you didn't want him to leave with you, in a manner he was bound to misunderstand? How could that be anything other than betrayal? What if–


He needed to stop overthinking things. Maybe Kiichi was mad at him. Maybe he wasn't. All he had to do was ring the doorbell and find out. And even if he was mad at him, it didn't mean the end of their friendship. They had been friends and partners for half a decade and almost a third of their lives. It would take more than a stupid argument to bring an end to all that.

But then what was this feeling? What was with this sense of dread constricting in his chest, refusing to let him go?

He shook his head. Enough thinking. He was going to Kiichi's house to know, once and for all. Once he knew the truth he could still think about what to do.


Hanae braced herself, adjusted her collar and blazer, ran a nervous hand through her hair, and walked up to the door.

The door was locked. She peered through the glass, right and left, but the shop behind it was dark, no signs of movement or life inside. She frowned. Weird. Wasn't the store still supposed to be open at this time of the day? And it was only Friday!

She walked around the building from one side, then from the other. Nothing. No sign of anyone being at home.

Returning back to the door, Hanae took a deep breath. She adjusted her clothes again, tucked back her hair, untucked it again, swallowed, and rang the doorbell.


The world stood still. Hanae could hear her own heartbeat pounding in her ears, much too loud in the surrounding silence. Open the door, one part of her pleaded. Please don't open, the other begged. She didn't know if she wanted Atsushi to answer or not. She wanted to. But she wasn't ready. She was afraid, and she wasn't sure if she wanted to run from it or get it over with.

She waited and waited, but there was no response. Not even a hint of movement. Everything stayed quiet.

She rang the doorbell a second time, then a third one. Nothing.

Nobody home, huh.

Relieved and disappointed, Hanae turned back and walked home. She'd have to go looking for him again tomorrow. Maybe she'd find him at school. Hopefully.


Kimishita pretended his hands weren't shaking as he walked up to Kiichi's house. He pretended his heart wasn't racing, pretended his stomach wasn't tingling with an army of nervous butterflies fluttering inside him, restless and merciless. He was calm. He wasn't afraid of Kiichi's response. He wasn't afraid, he wasn't...

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