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Kimishita might have to leave Seiseki.

The thought spun round and round in Ooshiba's head, over and over like an echo, a broken record. It wasn't real. He didn't want it to be real, it couldn't be real. Kimishita couldn't just up and leave like that. He was captain of Seiseki! They were supposed to go to nationals together, they were this close to winning the Inter-High prelims! And then there was the winter tournament afterwards... and they were third-years already, for crying out loud! They only had a few more months to go before graduating! There was no way Kimishita could leave now!

But he had no choice. Kimishita didn't want to leave either, but unless a miracle happened... unless he got himself out of this somehow, he'd have to move. Leave Seiseki, leave Tokyo. Just like that.

Ooshiba clenched his fists, trying to force down the sense of dread weighing down in his gut. Kimishita might leave him. After he moved away, they might not see each other again.

They might part ways. Ooshiba had never even considered that possibility. Kimishita had always been right next to him, walking by his side, ever since seventh grade. They'd been together for five long years, bickering and arguing but never separating for more than a handful of days. Ooshiba had thought it would always be like that. In all his dreams of the future Kimishita was always with him, by his side. He'd thought they could stay like that for life. Teammates, partners, reluctant friends.

And now it might all come to nothing.

All his hopes, all his dreams were cracking over his head, threatening to crumble and come breaking down on him. What would he do? How would he go about everything without Kimishita? How would he keep himself from getting lost? Who would be his support, his guidance? What was the point of it all if Kimishita wasn't there?

It hurts.

He didn't want to lose his friend. He wanted to continue playing with him, every day, until they were both old and wrinkly and could barely walk anymore. He wanted to keep going to the store and find him there whenever he needed him, whenever he wanted to talk or needed advice or guidance. He might still be able to call him and text him if he left, sure. He might visit him. But it would never be the same.

It would be so lonely.

It hurts.

Why did the thought of his teammate leaving hurt so much? And why did the thought of being left behind tear his chest apart from the inside?


He should probably go in.

Ooshiba leaned against the wall next to the store door, kicking a few stones across the street. Kimishita was probably sitting in there, wondering where he was. He'd get furious and yell at him and probably punch him in the face, but that was better than making him worry. He had enough on his mind as things were.

But at the same time... he really didn't want to see Kimishita right now, not with this storm raging in his own heart. He couldn't face him like this. If he did... he wasn't sure what would happen.

He didn't want to see him. And yet he missed him. He wanted to see his face, listen to his voice, hear words of reassurance telling him that everything would be fine, that this was all a bad dream and Kimishita would stay at Seiseki for as long as he needed. He just wanted someone, anyone to free him from this nightmare.

There was the familiar whoosh of the door opening. Footsteps approached, coming to a halt right in front of him.

Ooshiba looked up.

Kimishita had come outside to meet him, rightful anger written all over his face as he scowled up at him, cracking his knuckles. "So there you are, huh! Where the hell do you think you were hiding, you moron? Skipping practice is one thing, but don't go around disappearing like that! Ever heard of answering your fucking phone?"

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